Q n A!

Okay! Here we go!

The first five questions were asked by SwanSong3

1. What do you look like?
A. I have chestnut brown hair in a pixie cut. I have blue/grey eyes. I have pale skin with tons of freckles. I don't know what else to put.

2. Do you have any pets?
A. No... :( I want a dog, tho.

3. What's your favorite subject in school?
A. .... I'm only halfway through Summer Break, but math is probably my favorite.

4. Who is your favorite Marvel character?
A. Black Widow. Or Spider-Man.

5. Who is your best friend(s)?
A. Plsjustpickausrnme

The next question was asked by Not-So_Interesting

Q. How are you doing?
A. I'm doing great! I have a horrible sunburn, tho. Thank you for asking!

The next questions were asked by Flowing_Zulu

1. What was your inspiration for this?
A. Probably shewritesall book "You're What!?",  as well as all those Mama Spider books.

2. What is your favorite Marvel picture/illustration?
A. This is the link: https://images.app.goo.gl/VWemrtFEFgj1k5s58

The next questions were asked by LollianFrance110

1. What is your favorite dog breed?
A. Beagles. They're adorable and I love them!

2. Are you a cat or dog person?
A. I love cats, but if I could either get a dog or cat, then dogs all the way.

3. Who is your favorite Spider-Man?
A. Tom Holland. Although I do like them all.

4. What is your favorite Marvel movie?
A. The Amazing Spider-man 3 or Spider-man Homecoming.

5. Are you with or against the Russo Bros?
A. I don't even know what that is about, so.....
