Family Day Pt. 2

Flash smacked Peter. Natasha stood up fuming.
"Why would you do that!?" She yelled at him, getting everyone's attention.
"Мама паук! Стоп!(Mama Spider" Stop!)" Peter said, also standing up.
" Как долго это продолжается, маленький паук?(How long has this been going on, Little Spider?)" Natasha demanded.
"....Звезда старшей школы. (....Start of highschool.)" Peter muttered.
"WHAT!?" Natasha yelled. People looked so confussed. Since when did Peter know Black Widow? When did he learn Russian? A thousand questions were going through people's heads. Natasha looked back at Flash.
"I don't care who hears this, but Peter here is as good as my son, so stay out of his life. He has been trained to kill if attacked, you're lucky he's got a heart of gold." She growled out. She then grabbed Peter by the arm and marched out.
Needless to say, Flash was suspened.

A/N I'm sorry this was so short, but I really wanted to post this!
