Break His Heart, We Break Your Face

A/N Warning: Homophobic/Biphobic behavior

Peter led his boyfriend Harley through the woods, away from Harley's cabin. Peter chattered on about his parents, how Harley would love them and how they would love Harley.
They exited the woods and walked through the streets of Queens. They decided to eat Lunch, seeing as 'Meet the Family' would be at supper.
The couple walked past shops and ducked into a small place called Delmars. Peter and Harley were about to order when a voice rang out.
"WOW. Is Pathetic Puny Penis Parker gay!?" Peter and Harley turned around to see Flash in a booth with his parents. All three had disguated looks on their faces.
"No, I'm Bi. Get it right." Peter said coldly before turning back around. Th vouple ordered their food and sat as far away from the Thompsons as possible. They still threw threats and insults at the couple. Mr. Delmar came over.
"Hi Peter, you want me ta kick them out?" He asked, motioning towards the Thompsons. Peter glanced at Harley.
"No, we're fine. We might take it to go." Peter answered. Mr. Delmar nodded and got the their food.
As the couple walked out, they heard Flash yell one last thing.
"You'll go to hell, where you belong!" Peter held his head high and controlled his anger.
They ate their food at the park and walked around a bit more.
After a few hours, Peter and Harley stood up and headed to Peter's parents house.
Soon, they reached a house, also in the woods. Peter knocked and they waited.
Peter had told Harley his family was odd and protective, Harley was cool with that. What he was not expecting, was to see Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Black Widow and Winter Soldier to open the door. The family smilied and let the teens in.
"So this is Harley?" Natasha asked Peter as they sat down at the dinner table. Peter nodded, mouth full of food.
"So, lets get this straight." Bucky said. Natasha and Bucky declared together;
"Break our son's heart, we break your face." Wanda followed up by showing some of her magic, and Pietro cracked his knuckles.
"Guys! Please don't scare him! I actually wanna keep him." Peer said, making Harley blush. The family of superheros then smilied again and resumed their conversation.
In the end, Peter finally found someone who wasn't scared off by his family.
