No One Insults My Family

June 18 2019

A/N Warning: Slurs against the LGBTQ+ Community. Swearing.

"Parker, someone needs to be here." The Principal said, glancing between him and the Thompsons.
"I don't think she's coming.." Peter mumbled. Flash and his family looked at him with looks that so clearly said 'You are so in trouble'. Peter sighed and looked at his phone.

Natasha: We're almost there.

Peter: We're?

Natasha: Gamora is with me

Peter: Uh oh....

Peter looked up at the Principal.
"They're coming." He said simply. The Principal nodded. A minute later, Natasha and Gamora walked through. The Principal gaped at the two woman.
"We're here for Peter." Gamora said, glancing at The Principal as she and Natasha sat on either side of Peter.
"What happened?" The Principal asked. Flash started to pretend to cry.
"He shoved me into a locker!" He fake sobbed, while his mother hugged him.
"That thing should be expelled!" Mr. Thompson demanded while glaring at Peter.
"Did you just call him a 'thing'?" Gamora said, anger clear in here voice.
"Ha! Parker needs an Avenger and a Guardian of the Galaxy to defend him!" Flash laughed at Peter.
"Says the person who picks on the weakest loser in the school and then cries to his mommy when said bullied loser defends someone or themselves." Peter replied, staring Flash straight in the eyes.
"How dare you accuse my son of being a bully!" Mrs. Thompson shouted, standing up.
"I'm only speaking the truth, ma'am." Peter replied, before getting slapped across the face. Natasha was /not/ having that. She stood up.
"Don't you f*cking dare to touch my son again." Natasha seethed, glaring at the Thompsons.
"Please sit down, we need to figure this out!" The Principal cried. The parents reluctantly sat down.
"That thing is a bully! He has been bulling my darling Eugine since middle school!" Mrs. Thompson cried, pointing at Peter.
"Please do not refere to Peter as a thing. Anyway, we all know Peter would only fight back if his friends or family was being insulted." Gamora said, trying to calm herself down.
"Did you insult Peter's friends or family, Eugine?" The Principal asked Flash.
"N-no!" Flash said, turning slightly red. Natasha glanced at him.
"He's lying." She stated simply.
"Liar!" Mr. Thompson shouted at her.
"I'm an ex-spy and an ex-assasin. You really want to bet against me?" Natasha asked.
"N-no." Mr. Thompson muttered. Natasha nodded. Peter told her something in russian.
"They made up a secret language! They aren't allowed to do that!" Flash cried.
"Actually, if this is how they interact, we can't do anything." The Principal said, sighing.
"Mr. Principal, Peter has been being bullied by 'Flash' since middle school." Gamora said simply. The Principal sighed.
"You do realise that the Thompsons just accused Parker of the same thing?" The Principal asked, rubbing his eyebrows.
"Yes, but unlike the Thompsons, we have proof." Peter said quietly. Flash growled at him. Natasha glared at Flash and pulled out her StarkPhone.
"FRIDAY, please bring up the 'Evidense' folder." Natasha said. The evidense was brought up and showed. They showed videos of Flash calling the LQBTQ+ Community disgusting and him calling Peter a 'disgusting f*g'.
"Wow, I thought the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy would be better at photo-shop. I guess they are just a bunch of lazy peices of sh*t." Flash declared. Natasha and Gamora glared at him. Peter, however, stood up.
"Oh? Well, those people are my family, and I don't appreciate people who trash talk my friends and family!" He yelled at Flash, who coward back. Mr. Thompson stepped infront of Flash and slapped Peter. The same place as his wife.
"Liar!" Flash schreeched at Peter.
"Who would ever want to call those sl*ts family?" Mr. Thompson scoffed. Peter had enough, and punched him in the jaw, hard.
"How dare you touch my family, Penis!" Flash yelled, stepping infront of his father. "You disgusting f*g!" He was punched in the gut. Peter kept punching him.
One punch for insulting his friends.
One punch for insulting his family.
One for insulting his community.
One for insulting him.
And one for the bullying from the years.
Five punches.
"Parker! Why did you do that?" The Principal cried.
"One punch for insulting the following. My friends, my family, My fellow LQBTQ+ community, me, and lastly for bullying me for all those years." Peter replied.

In the end, Peter was suspened for a week, Flash for two weeks.
