
A/N This is inspired by another oneshot. Sorry I cant crdit the OG author. 

Peter sat under the ruble, panicing. He was having sever flashbacks to the Vulture attack. The weight was slowly crushing him. He was strong enough to lift it but he was panicing.
Nearby, Natasha, the Twins, Bucky, Clint and Scott were searching the ruble. The others had left in rage, Bruce left reluctantly. Suddenly, Scott called the others over, panic in his voice. The others rushed over. Scott pointed to a small gap in the ruble. The others peaked through to see two brown eyes that were full of terror.
Suddenly, the boy screamed.
"Help me! Please!" He started sobbing.
"Boys, start working the ruble off him, Wanda and I'll try to calm him down." Natasha ordered. Scott, Bucky, Pietri and Clint started removing the ruble as Natasha sparted singing softly in Russian.
"Молчать, молчать,
Сидит котенок на краю" To Natasha surprise, a small voice started singing with her.
" Он не беден и не богат" They sang. The finished the song as the last bit of ruble was lifted. The boy was Spider-Man. Spidey shot up, tears streaming down his face. He saw who had helped him, and instead of scowling at them, like Tony would have, he hugged them.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He said repeatedly, wiping his eyes. He turned to where Tony stood at the start of the war and scowled.
"Ass." He muttered, still looking at the spot. He then smilied sheepishly up at them.
"So, uh, can I like, live with you guys for a bit?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. When Clint nodded, Peter reached for his phone. He sent a text and then looked up.
"My aunt's okay with that!" He said happily. Suddenly, Peter fainted.
"Is he okay?" Bucky asked, raising an eyebrow.
"He just fainted." Pietro said as Natasha picked Peter up.
The Rogues headed for Clint's house.
On the way, Peter woke up.
"You okay?" Scott asked, looking worried.
"Oh, I'm fine!" Peter said, bouncing up and down.
"Okay, calm down. What's youd name?" Natasha asked, sitting beside him.
"Oh, I'm Peter. Peter Parker." Peter said. He looked out the window.
"So, how'd you become Spider-Man? Is it all in the suit?" Pietro asked the younger boy. Peter turned to the others again.
"I was bitten by a radioactive spider, the suit is just for protection." Peyer responded. He was clearly deciding if he could trust the Rouges.
"So, what are the web-shooters for?" Wanda asked, pointing at Peter's wrists. He looked down at his wrists.
"Oh, sometimes the webs don't shoot, and I don't wanna be, y'know, dead?" Peter replied, pulling out his phone. He started texting someone, eyes widening in surprise.
"What happened?" Bucky asked. Peter's head shot up.
"My friend Shuri just finished making an actual lightsaber!" He said excitedly, turning backcto his phone. Nat and the others shared a look.
"Shuri as in Princess Shuri of Wakanda?" Nat asked the spiderling.
"Yup." Peter answered, showing them a video of Shuri using the lightsaber.

A/N Part 2?
