
Mr. Harrington's class walked through Avengers tower on a field trip. People were whispering about how they 'saw an avenger' and things like that. No one really cared that Peter Parker wasn't there.

Flash could swear he saw Parker in a lab, helping an intern.
Could Penis really work her? No, that's impossible! Flaah thought, turning back to the tour guide.

At about 12:00, the class entered the cafeteria.
Flash and a few other students saw Peter eating on the other side of the cafeteria. A girl, Cindy, screeched as they started eating.
"Penis Parker is over there!" She screeched loudly, causing the class to turn.
Peter's eyes widened, hearing the screech.
"Sh*t." He muttered, ducking behind another intern. He quickly started up a conversation with another intern, his back to the class.
"Parker couldn't be here. He didn't return the form. Stop lying, Cindy." Mr. Harrington informed, putting down his fork. He went off ranting about Peter being a liar. The tour guide sat akwardly beside him, knowing full well who Peter 'Parker' was. She looked at her phone and pulled sent a text.
"peter im not gonna interfere, is that ok" She texted, glancing at Peter. Peter met her eyes and nodded.

Peter: yeah, youre good Alya

Peter: im gonna surprise them later

Alya: how

Peter: you have my permission to bring them into my lab but wait for my text

Alya: oh this is gonna be good

Alya chuckled, turning back to the tour group.
"Alright class, we're going to the Avengers museum!" Alya anounced to the class, earning a bunch of cheers. She herded the class, winking at Peter on the way out.
Alya led them through the halls to the Avengers museum. On the way there, someone pointed out Peter laughing with an intern as a roomba played the latest hits as it clean. This earned another scolding from Mr. Harrington. Ned and MJ smirked at Alya. Alya, recognizing them as Peter's friends, winked at them as the class spread out. Alya pulled Ned aside and told him the plan.
At about 1:30, Alya led the class to,another room.
"Here is a quiz about the Avengers! Who ever wins will get to choose a prize." Alya informed the class, handing out sheets.
The class quickly filled out the sheets, and they were soon collected.
"And... MJ won." Everyone stared at the girl.
"I want a Q 'n A with the Avengers." She stated, knowing full-well they were getting one anyway. Alya nodded and pulled out her phone, pretending to text the Avengers.

Peter: k bring them up

Alya turned back to the class and smilied.
"Okay! First, we're going to Tony Stark's intern's lab!" She declared, which was met with cheers.
Alya led the class to the personal elevator.
After about a minute, the elevator reached the level of the personal intern's lab.
Alya led the class to Peter's lab and in through the door.
There the saw Peter laughing evily, Shuri bh his side quoting vines, Natasha smiling proudly, and Clint, Bruce and Tony Mc'Flipping Stark backing away, terrified. Peter pressed a button and... electric webs? Shot out, narrowly missing Tony.
"Pete, We've got visitors." Natasha told her son. Peter looked up at his class, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Hello, welcome to my lab!" Peter declared to the dumb-founded class. He looked at the stunded students and teacher.
"What? I told you guys I worked here." Peter stated, walking back to Natasha.


Everyone gasped as the WinterSoldier and Captain America walked in.
"Hey Buck, Cap." Peter said, looking up from the web-shooters. Bucky crossed his arms, staring at the frozen class.
"Pete, did you freeze them?" Bucky asked in a stage-whispered, causing the class to start moving around.
"Don't touch that!" Peter yelled at Flash, pulling the blueprints of a new arm for Bucky out of the bully's grasp.
"Why not, Penis?" Flash asked tauntingly.
"Watch your mouth." Cap snapped. Bruce ran out, looking a little green. Peter dropped the blueprints and grabbed Natasha and Bucky's knives from them.
"NOPE! Let's not murder anyone today!" Peter told the angry assasins. Wanda and and Pietro walked in, looking furious.
"How about tomorrow?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah, what's your name?" Pietro asked, walking up to Flash.
"NOPE! No murder tomorrow, either!" Peter yelled, pulling the Twins out of the room.
"What about-" Clint started.
"NOPE! NO MURDER EVER!" Peter yelled, turning back to his web-shooters.
"NO! No electrocution either, Shuri!" Shuri sadly lowered the web-shooters she held. Alya led the class out of the lab as Peter tried to calm the Avengers down.
As they got into the elevator, they heard Peter yell again.

A/N I'm writing part 2 of Wings. I promise it won't take 2 months like Guardian of Peter Parker. This was based off a post on Pintrest, but I can't find it (again).
