Loyal 'Till the End

The Black Widow and Spider-man never appeared to be close to the media. However, they were. Natasha Romanoff and Peter Parker, their alter-egos, were aswell. So, as Natasha sat in the HYDRA Base, she would not let anything out.
"Who is Spider-man?!?! Tell me his name!" A HYDRA agent screamed in her face. They had somehow managedvto kidnap her while she was asleep.
"Why ask me? I barely know him." Natasha lied coldly. It was not at all obviois she was lying. The HYDRA agents honestly started to question bringing he in.
"Why are you refusing to give informatio, then?" The agent asked again, leaning into her. She locked her lips and refused to talk.
Little did they know, the Spider himself was in the top right corner next to the door. He jumped down and webbed up the agents. One had managed to get a hold of his walky talky and break the web gag.
"We need backup! Other Thpider ith here!" The agent cried with a muffled voice. Spidey went back to halping Natasha.
A few moments later, there were gunshots. Oh, so many gunshots. All of which hit Spidey. The agents left to deal with something else. Spidey ripped off his mask, revealing Peter's wide, pained, paniced eyes.
"Mama Spider, I don't wanna go. Please! I-remember me! I'M SORRY!" Peter yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"No, no, no! You're gonna live! Pete, you're gonna live!" Natasha cried, ripping an agents shirt to try to stop the bluish blood from falling anymore.
"Mama Spider... I'm sorry...." He whispered, taking a final breath.

The Avengers and co.were ready to break the door down. The agents that had left the room lay dead upon the floor. They heard a scream. A terrible, pain and guilt-filled scream ripped through the air. None of them had heard a scream like that. Clint quietly opened the door, the twins behind him. All three stopped, Wanda put a hand to her mouth. They rushed in, leaving the others behind. The others, confused, followed. In the room they saw a horrific sight. Natasha was on her knees, sobbing. Beside her was a life-less body of..... Of Spidey. He had blueish blood around him. Clint and the twins also had tears rolling down their cheeks. The rest ran over.
"What did you do to him?" Tony screeched at Natasha, pointing at Spidey. Wanda slapped him, hard.
"Spidey, or as we-" Pietro said, motioning to Natasha, Clint, Wanda and himself. "know him, Peter. Natasha adopted him awhile back. He was like our little brother." Pietro finished, emotion clear in his voice.
They carried Peter's body back to the quinjet.
They gave him a funeral, they all wore black and red. It was in the closest forest near the Tower. Peter loved that place.
They were halfway through the funeral service when a gust of strong wind took them by surprise. Theyvturned, only to see an angel-fairy type thing.
"Whatever happends to be the matter?" She asked, seeing their greif-ridden faces.
"M-my son died... He was too young... He saved me...." Natasha muttered. The angel looked at her, hopeful.
"I can grant you a wish.." She said. Natasha looked up, hope obvious on her face.
"Bring my son back. Please!" Natasha cried. The angel smilied a warm smile.
"Of course,after all, he was loyal 'till the end.."

A/N Part two?
