Field Trip Disaster Part 1

June 6 2019

Peter sat on the bus, which was about to leave for his classes' yearly mystery field trip.
"Everyone, listen up!" Mr. Harrington, Peter's teacher called to the class from the front of the bus.
"This year, we are going to, drumroll please." Mr. Harrington and a few of the extra excited students started slapping their hands against their thighs.
"We, Midtown High, are going for a tour at the one and only, Avengers Tower!"
Any excitment Peter had about this trip drained away almost immediately. He was going on a tour. Of his house. He sighed, which unluckily, Flash heard. Parker Luck.
"Ready to get EXPOSED, Penis? Ready for me to prove to every one the internship is FAKE?" Flash and his goons laughed. 20 or so minutes later, people started screaming. Peter covered his ears, and his class filed out. Peter and his class looked at the massive tower standing over them. Peter and M.J were the only ones not freaking out about it. Peter, because, well, he lived there, and M.J because, 1. She worked at the Tower, and 2. that girl could always keep her cool. Even Ned, who had visited the Tower multiple times, who freaking worked at the Tower, was freaking out. Mr. Harrington started herding people to the front. Peter just knew the Avengers (mostly his Мама паук and Uncle Clint), were going to embarrass the HELL out of him. Their tour guide walked over.
"Hey kids! My name is Talyn, and I'm going to be your tour guide for today!" They said. "These passes I am giving you are the lowest passes." They said, as they passed out the badges. "They will only work for today, and only if a person with a higher pass, will you be let to floors 1-25. Sadly, I cannot bring you any higher than floor 25, because I must have a person with a higher pass with us. Any questions?" Talyn said, after giving everyone but Ned, M.J and Peter badges.
Flash noticed this and his hand shot up. Talyn pointed at him.
"Why didn't those three get badges? Are they not allowed to go on the tour?" Fash asked hopefully.
"Well, those three work here on an internship and sometimes to help the other interns. Peter, M.J, Ned, did you bring your passes? You know how strict Boss and Mr. Hogan are about losing and re-printing." The three teens pulled out their badges, and put them on.
"Any other questions?" Talyn asked, looking around. Cindy raised her hand.
"How many different passes are there, and what do they mean?" Cindy asked when Talyn pointed at her.
"Good question, Miss-"
"Miss Cindy. There are 10 badge levels. The 1st level is Cub, what you all have. These badges let you acsess floors 1-25 with a tour guide. The second level is Omega. Those badges are for reporters. They only let the people with them into the first floor. The 3rd passes are for buisness people from other companies. 4th badges Beta, and are for tour guides, like me." They said, showing their badge. After a while of explaining the badge levels, Talyn said, "The 9th badge level is Alpha, and is for the Avengers, Morgan Stark, and a few personal interns. They let the people with these badges everywhere except the very top floor. Finally, the 10th badge is for Mr. and Mrs. Stark only, and they can go anywhere." They took a break for breath. "Now, walk through here please, and scan your badge, just like I do." Talyn walked through and scanned their badge.
"Tanner, Talyn. level 4, Beta. Welcome back, Mx Tanner." FRIDAY said, scaring a few people.
Talyn laughed. "That's just FRIDAY, the Tower's AI. She keeps track of who comes in, and who comes out. She is also part of security. Now, get in line and go through, please!"
Flash, of course, pushed his way to the front.
He walked through and scanned his badge.
"Eugene Thompson. Level 1, Omega. Have a nice tour, Mr. Thompson."
Flash looked so smug at just hearing his name said by FRIDAY.
After the rest of the class, it was finally Ned's turn.
"Ned Leeds. Level 9, Alpha. Welcome back Mr. Leeds. Shall I inform Dr. Banner of your arrival?"
"No thanks, FRIDAY, school trip."
The class gaped at Ned, who shrugged it off. He stood with the group, and waited for M.J and Peter.
Then M.J walked through.
"Michelle 'M.J' Jones. Level 9 Alpha. Welcome back Miss Jones, shall I inform Mrs. Stark of your arrival?"
"Nah, I'm on a school trip, but thanks, FRI."
Once again, the class gaped at her.
Peter walked through.
"Petr Parker. Level 9 Alpha. Shall I inform Miss Romanoff or the Starks of your arrival?"
"No, I'm on a school trip. Thanks, FRI!"
Now everyone except Ned, M.J and Peter looked like their jaws had hit the floor.
Talyn cleared their throat, and said they must get moving.
Most of the morning was fine. The class met Doctor Bruce Banner, who was in his lab.
He looked up and saw the tour group. He smiled. Then he saw Ned and Peter.
"Hey, Talyn, could I borrow Ned and Pete for a second?" Bruce asked, turning back to his computer.
"Uh, yeah, sure thing Dr. Banner!" Talyn sent them over, and turned back to the other teens, continuing the tour.
"Sorry boys, but I'm currently running on an hour of sleep and about 10 cups of coffee. I want to make sure there aren't any mistakes." Ned and Peter scanned the coding, but found no mistakes.
"No mistakes here, Doc" Ned said. Bruce thanked them.
"You should actually go take a nap or something, like, before you pass out from exhaustion." Peter said, and Ned nodded. Bruce agreed, and left for the Avengers' rooms. Ned and Peter went back to the class.
"What did Doctor Banner need from you two boys?" Mr. Harrington asked them when they re-joined the group.
When they told him they helped with coding, he didn't beleive them.
Peter's SpideySenses caught a small sound from the vents. He looked very closely at the vent, and saw his Uncle Clint's eyes. He had known it was either Uncle Clint or Peter's mom, so he had to check. Peter raised his eyebrows to tell his Uncle that the little spider knew the bird was there. Clint's eyes winked at Peter, and then disappeared. Talyn lead them through a few more labs and floors. At 12:00 sharp they arrived at the closest cafeteria. Talyn told them to go order their food, and if they were lucky, they might get to have a Q and A with some of the Avengers. It was actually a good day. But, lunch was when the day started to go downhill.
