
A/N This was requsted by mistykitty33418

Natasha, Peter, Bucky, Wanda and Pietro, Tony, Steve, Sam, Clint and Rhodey walked into a paintball arena.
"Hello, we'd like to play paintball, all day." Tony told the stunded cashier.
"Uh, yeah, ye-yeah! R-right away!" The cashier stuttered out, ringing them up. The team got a bunch of paintballs, and the cashier added that to the total. The group split into teams of five.
Natasha, Bucky, Wanda, Pietro and Peter were Team Russian Heros, and they looked ready to kick butt.
Tony, Sam, Steve, Clint and Rhodey were Team Bad*ss Bros, muchvto Steebs dismayal.
The teams were sent into the arena.
Natasha quickly got Rhodey out, hitting him square in the chest.
Bucky hit Steve on the arm a few seconds later. Both men raised their hands as they walked out, showing they had been hit(as if the paint wasn't obvious.-_-).
After a few more minutes, Pietro got Tony out, hitting his stomach. Tony winced but walked out of the arena.
It was just Clint and Sam left on Team Bad*ss Bros, while no one was out from Team Russian Heros. That soon changed when Clint somehow hit Pietro, who took his defeat well. Sam hit Wanda's calf and she followed her twin out. Peter leaned out and took a shot, hitting Sam's back.
The match went on for a few more minutes. Clint landed a hit on Peter, who ran out gratefully. Natasha and Bucky each took a shot, hitting Clint at the same time.

The next round, the two teams were seperated.
Team Russian Heros were set up against a group of about 10 girls called Team Glimmering Unicorns.
Team Glimmering Unicorns were cocky from the start, not seeing their opponant's faces. Peter heard one of the girls announce "We out number them. This will be an easy win for us!"
Let's just say Team Glimmering Unicorns were obliterated. In record time, too.

The third round was at around 1:00pm. Team Russian Heros were put against another team of cocky teenagers.
This time, the group was of boys, and they were Team Flash Fight.
Peter saw the "leader's" face and immediatly knew his family would do anything to take him down.
Flash and his goons Andrew, Drew, Gerald and Ronald looked like they were the Kings of the world.
To give Team Flash Fight credit, they ended up going about 30 seconds. before they started taking hits.
Andrew was the first out, Wanda hitting him on the shoulder. Next was Ronald, who took a hit on the back, from Bucky. Then was Drew, who was shot out by Pietro. Natasha obliterated George.
Finally, Flash was dis-qualified for head-shotting Peter. Just before that, Flash was shot out by Natasha anyway.
Flash threw a tantrum about losing, demanding a rematch. He did not get one.

The fourth round was a longer one.
It was a group of four, both genders, all with brightly coloured hair. They were Team Naturals.
Team Naturals put up a fair fight, the round lasting over ten minutes.
First out was Bucky, who made the mistake of sticking his foor out. Second was a boy with blue hair, who was taken out by Natasha.
Third was a girl with green hair, Pietro landing the shot.
Fourth was a girl with purple hair, taken out by Wanda.
Finally, a boy with pink hair was taken out by Peter. Team Naturals took defeat very well, earning some photos. Team Naturals were thrilled at this, and profusley thanked the Heros.

The fifth and final round was another match with Team Bad*ss Bros.
Again, Team Russian Spiders won.

The superheros went home in the large party car. The windows were covered and Team Bad*ss Bros fought for a place to lay down, Peter just making Team Russian Heros all web hammocks.
That was a fun day.

A/N Just so everyone knows, I'm always taking requests! Feel free to comment them on any chapter you please!
Love you all!
-Stella, your author
