
Finally an updaye!
Peter stared at the ground as Aunt May slapped and screamed at him.
"WHY DID YOU BREAK THAT PLATE!?" May yelled at her nephew.
"I-I didn't m-mean t-to.." He said catiously. May slapped him.

At School

Peter walked into class. He was almost late again. He didn't care. No one was there for him. Only Ned and M.J cared, but of course theyvwere both away.

That Night

Peter sat on a roof, completely aware that Natasha was behind him. He lifted his mask up to his nose, taking a bite out of his churro. He didn't say anything.
"Hey Spidey, what's wrong?" Natasha asked, sitting down beside him.
"Oh nothin'! Should probably pack up and web away." Peter lies.
"I'm an assasin and a spy. I know you're not okay. Tell me what's up." Natasha states. Spidey sighs before pulling off his mask. Natasha was shocked to see the bruised face of a 15 year old.
"How'd you get that bruise!? You're way younger than I thought you would be- no offense! I mean, you're doing great as Spider-" Natasha was cut off by Peter.
"My name is Peter Parker, I'm 15, I live with my abusive aunt who calls me a monster, and treats me like trash." Peter admits. "My school bully has gotten worse, and both of my two friends are away." Natasha frowns, and surprises both when she hugs him.
"I won't tell the others." Natasha says the neighborhood hero.
"No, tell them, please. It'd be easier for all of us. Just don't let the press know." Peter admits. Natasha smiles and nods. Peter looked at the time on his watch.
"Oh Shoot! I jave to go! Good night!" Peter yelled, putting on his mask and swinging away.

At Avengers Compound

"Any lu- no never mind. No one with you." Sam says when Natasha walks in.
"Actually, I have a bit of information." Natasha says, smirking and sitting down.
"Go ahead!" The Maximoff twins say at the same time.
"Name's Peter Parker, 15 year old, lives with his abusive aunt, has a bully, two friends, kind kid." Natasha explains and taking a sip of Coke.
"How did you find all that out?" Clont asks.
"He told me."

A/N FINALLY!!!!!! I am still 7 hours late! Part 2?
