R-replaced? Pt. 3

A/N Happy 50th(kinda) Chapter!

Tony paced around angerly. He had lost his best intern to his rival comapnay. Cameron, angry thay he wans't getting attention, left. He bought some spray paint and started vandilizing buildings. He was from building to building, eventually ending up at a small cabin with some huts. He shook up the last bottle of spray paint, which was neon gree. He started spraying it, writting nasty and gross things all over the cabin. He moved to start on the huts when he heard sirens. He froze like a deer in the headlights when the ray from a police flashlight fell on him.
"Hands up!" The police shouted. Cameron put his hands up, terrified. How had they found him so easily. He then heard a door open behind him, and out-stepped Peter Romanoff and his boyfriend. Peter just stared at him and said to his boyfriend.
"I told you it was him." Cameron, seeing the police didn't have their guns out, swiftly pulled a pocket knife and stabed Peter in the gut. Peter grimanced held his gut. His boyfriend started worrying over Peter and he kept saying he was alright. Cameron took off into the woods behind the cabin. The police shouted after him.

With Peter and Harley

Peter held his gut the paramedics gently put him in an ambulance that had just arrived. Harley sat with him while the ambulance sped off.
"At least we know who did it." Harley said.
In a few hours, Peter was bandaged at they started walking to the cabin. Suddenly, Peter's phone rang.
"Hello?" The person on the other line said something that Harley couldn't hear.
"Okay, we'll be right there." Peter put his phone away and led Harley to the police station.

Harley and Peter sat across from Tony and two officers, hooked up to a lie detector.
"So boys, what were you doing when Cameron started to vandilize your cabin?"
"I was studying for a math test I'm supposed to have on Friday and Harley was reading a book." Peter said. The lie detector showed he was telling the truth. The officers turned to Harley.
"What book were you reading?"
"It was called 'A Black Hole is Not A Hole'." The lie detector showed green.
The officers asked a few more questions and then let the boys head home.
When Harley and Peter got home, Wanda, Pietro, Bucky and Natasha were pacing around outside.
"Where were you!?" Natasha demanded as soon as she say them.
"The police station." Harley said.
"About the spray paint?" Bucky asked. Peter nodded.
"And I got stabbed." Peter said casually, walking inside.
"WHAT!?" Wanda exclaimed.
"It was Cameron." Harley stated. The four blew up immediatly.

On the end, Tony and the *ssvengers(thanks @Meowzilla0w0 for thet name๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ)were sued for Cameron's crimes. They apologised to Peter, but he couldn't forgive them.

A/N Sorry this one was short, I got lazy and kinda lost inspiration at the end ๐Ÿ˜…
