
Natasha was just dozing off when she heard a quiet thud from the kitchen. Startled, she grabbed her pistol from her nightstand(don't ask) and crept down the hall.
She cautiously entered the kitchen, gun raised. She heard muttering and frantic shushing.
She flipped the lights on.
"Маленький паук?(Baby Spider?)" She whispered, lowering her gun. The kid looked up, panic in his eyes.
"Γεια σου μαμά;?(Um, hi mom?)" He said, but it came out more as a question. Natasha glanced at the clock.
"Peter, it's two in the morning, why are you awake? Your curfew is one." Natasha demanded, crossing her arms.
Suddenly, there was a soft meow from behind Peter. Peter froze and turned quickly.
"What did you do?" Natasha asked, sighing as she walked over. She glanced over his shoulder. In his hands, Peter cradled a small, scruffy black kitten. The kitten had the same wide eyes as Peter, curious but cautious.
"Can we keep her?" Peter asked in a small voice, turning back to face his mother. He wasn't sure she would let him, as she normally wasn't bug on animals.
Again, Natasha sighed.
"Alright, but she needs a name." As she said this, Peter perked up, smile forming on his face.
"I was thinking Zillah, it means shadow." Peter suggested, and Natasha agreed.
"Now, go to bed, you have school tomorrow." Natasha told Peter.


The next day while Peter was at school, Natasha went out and bought the necessary items to take care of the kitten. She got a bed, food, treats, etc.
Strangely, she found herself talking to the kitten. Things like;
"Well, you're quite the cute kitten, aren't you?" And things like that.
She found herself liking Zillah more and more.
After a few weeks, Zillah was a chubby little kitten, quite unlike the scrawny thing they had taken in.
Natasha still refused to play with Zillah, only stroking her fur every so often.
You can imagine Peter's excitement when he came home to see his mama playing with his kitten.

A/N Hey my creepy crawly death dealers, it's me! I know, shocking I'm not dead and actually have ideas. Anyway, please take this little thing my brain spat out. Also, Peter is speaking greek, because I feel like they'd do that.
-Stella, your author <3
