R-Replaced? Part 2

Natasha, Peter, Harley, Bucky and the Maximoff Twins walked out of Avengers Tower after a full on Slap fest.
"What if I just started singing 'Slap slap slap, slap slap SLAP slap!' in the Mario theme song?" Harley asked, making the others chuckle. They walked back to Harley's cabin and sat on the couch, bed and floor. After a few days, Bucy, Peter, Pietro and Harley managed to build a few huts on Harley's land.
After the huts were built, Peter started going back to school.
On his first day back, Ned hugged him and MJ punched his arm.
"We were worried about you!" She said, crossing her arms.
"What? Are we your brothers from differant mothers?" Ned asked jokingly.
"N-actually, you might as well be." MJ said.
At lunch, Cameron sauntered over to The Trio while they were in the lunch line.
"So, how's it feel to have no one?" Cameron asked, hands on his hips. Peter held back the urge to hiss at him.
"Actually, as you can clearly see, I have two amazing friends, my mum, my uncle, a boyfriend, two siblings, good grades, and a stable life. I'd say I have it better then you." Peter stated, grabbing his food and flipping Cameron off as he walked away. Ned, MJ and Peter sat down at they're usual table.
"So," MJ said, "Who is rubbing off on you? Me, Harley your mom, your uncle, or your siblings?" Peter pulled out his phone, looking at the time.
"Probably all of the above. I mean, I spent the last few days around an angry super-soldier, an angry super fast dude, and an angry guy who made a potato gun." Peter said, and then chuckled.
"Wait, Harley made a potato gun?" Ned asked, eyes wide.
"Yeah maybe he can show it to you when you meet." Peter said, pulling his phone back out. "Hold on..." Peter muttered and texet something on his phone. A few seconds later, Peter turns his phone around to show a video of Harley shooting the potato gun.
"Wow..." MJ said, rolling her eyes.

Later that day.

Natasha turned on Harley's TV. She tuned it too the news and the six watched as Tony, and the other Avengers walked into veiw. Tony took the mic and cleared his throat.
"From now on, the Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, QuickSilver and Spider-man are no longer part of the Avengers. We now have nothing to do with them. Thank you for your time." The Camera turned back to a news woman.
"Now, we will be trying to contact the ex-Avengers."
Natasha's phone rang, Peter shut off the TV and pulled on his mask. The five(Bucky, Nataaha, Peter and the twins) Sat together and Natasha picked up the call. The news woman looked surprised, but quickly regained her calm.
"So, why did you leave the Avengers?"
"Three words: F*ck you, Stark!" Natasha said.
"What exactly happened?"
"Turns out the rest the Avengers are abusive to helpless people." Pietro saod. Soon enough, the call ended. When the six watched the playback on the news, they could hear the start of Harley's laugh as the call cut.
"By the way, Pete, you should quit the intern ship." Natasha said.
"Done." Peter said, pulling out his phone. "I should still get a job or something, though."
"You should get an internship at Hammer Industries. That would be a real slap in the face. Losing uour best intern to your rival company." Harley said. And that is exactly what Peter did.

A few days Later at Avengers Tower.

Tony and Cameron sat on the counch in the living room. Tony was flipping through channels when he saw the headline 'Hammer Industries get New Smart, Adorable Employee!'. Tony settled on that channel and Steve, Sam and Clint aalked in.
"Hammer Industries has an adorable, smart new intern! Here he is with his new mentor, Justin Hammer!" A News Lady said. The Camera shifted to Justin Hammer and the new intern, who the Avengers immediatly recognised.
"Uh, Hi! I'm Peter Parker! I'm the new intern at Hammer Industries!" Peter said nervously, smiling brightly.
"As you can see, Mr. Parker is absolutly adorable!" The News Lady Said.
"So, Peter, there has been a rumor that you once worked for Stark Industries, is that true?" The News Lady asked. Peter's bright smile vanished.
"Yes. Stark was not an apropriate mentor and he was horrible to me. I am happy to be out of the toxic work space." Peter stated, bright smile returning. "My mom, family and friends support me in my decisions and I am happy to contribute to Hammer Industries. i have huge hopes for the company!" Peter said happily. The camera turned back to the news Lady.
Tony turned the TV off and paced around. Cameron kicked the wall in anger. It was all starting to sink in. They had Lost Peter Romanoff.

A/N Part 3 soon!
