Old Friend

A/N The Avengers(minus Natasha) don't know Spider-man's identity. Peter has the home-made suit.

Natasha sat with the other Avengers in a conferance room.
"So... Should we make Spider-man an Avenger?" Steve asked, looking around the table.
"Yeah, I mean why not?" Tony said, leaning back.
"Because we don't know who he is."  Sam stated. Natasha looked at him. Only the keenest eye after looking very hard, could see Natasha was hiding something.
"Also, what is his outfit?" Bucky asked jokingly. Natasha made a mental note not to tell Peter about that. She looked at her phone and quietly slipped out.
"Yeah, is he wearing Pajamas or somethin'?" Clint joked. Steve turned to where Natasha's seat. Only to see it empty.
"What do you th- Oh great, she's gone."


Natasha walked up behind the young hero.
"Hey Pete." She says, sitting down beside him.
"Hey!" Peter responds, pullinv off his mask and tells her about his day.
Suddenly, Peter stops talking.
"You need to go, now. They're coming." Peter says in a low voice, slipping his mask back on. Natasha nods and flees the scene.

With Peter (@>©)

"Hey Spider-man!" Peter hears a cheerful voice.
"Hi Clint!" Peter responds, turning around. Clint looks at him.
"We'd really like to know your identity." Clint asks.
"My secret identity wouldn't be so secret then." Spidey jokes.
"Can ya tell me who you are? Please?" Clint asks.
"Oh yeah, I'm just gonna tell you my secret identity. Yeah no big deal!" He respond sarcasticaly, before saluting and swinging off to stop a mugging.

With Natasha (@>©)

"So where'd ya go?" Wanda asks, eating a chocolate-covered ice cream bar.
"Visiting an old friend." She replys casually.
"When you say an 'old friend', do you mean an actual friend, or an enemy you just killed?" Pietro asks, sitting next to his sister.
"An actual friend." Natasha says, smirking.
"And you just had to visit them during a meeting?" Tony asks.
"What? You skip meetings all the time!" The others laugh. "Besides, we rarely have chances to visit, so I take the ones I get." Natasha admits. Just then, Clint came through the door.
"Man, Spider-man is annoying. And sarcastic. You'd get along with him Nat." Clint said, plopping down on the couch. Natasha smirked, laughing at the irony in her head.
"So, are we gonna make him an Avenger?" Clint asks, turning to Steve.
"When you can catch him, maybe." Bucky says, returning to the kitchen. Steve just nods, as if to say "He's right", before following him.
"So, Nat, who's your 'old friend'?" Scott asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Peter Parker. 16. I knew his parents, they worked for SHEILD. They died in a plane crash. Lost touch with him, found him again a few moths ago." Natasha explained, putting a peice of gum in her mouth.
"How did you find him again?" Bruce questions.
"Bumped into him in- Walmart. He remembered me, so did his aunt." It wasn't a complete lie, she did bump into him, but that was while he was out on patrol.

A/N Had a random spout of creativity. Part 2? Or would you rather have a cliffhanger?
