What!? Mother!?

A/N So, because Peter is Natasha's son, the rest of these oneshots, Peter will have blue eyes in them.

Man, Tony was happy to see the kid.
He hugged the kid tight, before passing out.

Days later, he woke up to Morgan and Pepper talking by his bedside.
"Hey girls." He weakly choked out. Both Morgan and Pepper's heads quickly turned.
"DADDY!" Morgan yelled, launching herself into his arms.
"Hey Morguna." Tony said, brushing his daughter's hair away from her face. Morgan giggled and pulled away.
Pepper kissed Tony quickly.
"Oh thank god. The doctors said you were going to die." Pepper stated, a tear leaking out of her right eye.
"Where's the Kid?" Tony asked, looking around. Maybe that was all a dream. Maybe he hadn't brought the kid back?
"He's with his Aunt May. Do you want me to call him?" Pepper asked, as Morgan again hugged him. Tony nodded, stroking Morgan's hand.
Tony sat up as Pepper talked on the phone.
"May said he'll come over tomorrow after school."

The next day, Tony sat in the living room, talking with the Avengers.
Suddenly, the elevator dinged and a certain teen walked out, looking at a piece of paper.
"Hey Mr. Stark! Aunt May said you wanted to see m-" Peter cut himself off, looking up to see the Avengers.
"These are the Avengers, which I'm sure you know. Team, this is Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man." Tony introduced. Some Avengers nodded to him. A few whispering a hello.
"Um, hi." Peter mumbled, sitting down. The boy's eyes scanned the room, and his face fell.
"Where's the Black Widow?" Peter asked, curious.
"She-" Tony started, but was cut off by Clint.
"She sacrificed herself for the Soul Stone." The team watched as the teen went deathly pale. His blue eyes went wide and began to fill with tears. He started muttering, curling into himself.
The team watched in confusion as Wanda's eyes watered and she covered her mouth. Peter looked up at her.
"P-please don't read m-my mind.." Peter weakly requested.
Wanda nodded, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Why does that affect you so much?" Sam asked. "You didnt know her."
Peter sprang up, fists clenched. He started ranting angrily in russian, not giving a care in the world. Nucky's eyes softened in pity. Peter turned back to the team, sighing.
"Sh-She was my mama." Peter mumbled, tears spilling out of his left eye.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry it's so short, but I'll repay you with 3 updates next week! Also I'm writing an incorrect quotes for tomorrow.

-Energy, your author
