Forced Assassin

June 19 2019

Peter sat in a chair at a HYDRA base.
"Alright DarkSpider, your mission is to assassinate Natasha Romanoff." Mr. Hown said, putting a picture of Natasha infront of him.
"NO! I can't kill her!" Peter shouted. Mr. Hown sighed and pulled out a control remote.
"I thought we were past the days where we had to control 6ou." Mr. Hown pressed the button. Peter stiffed and his soft brown eyes turn a dark navy blue.
"You will kill Natasha Romanoff, is that clear?" Mr. Hown said, stepping back. Peter stood up and nodded.
"Yes Sir." He replied curtly and walked out the door, knives in hand.

Meanwhile in Avengers Tower

Natasha paced around the living room. She was thinner, and the circles under her eyes were noticable. Every possible scenario of what could have happened to her son was running through her head. She blocked out everyone. She went back to the solid, strong person she was before.
"Natasha, calm down! We are all worried." Wanda said.
"My son has disappeared! Anything could've happened! Now there is a new villain who's been around for almost a month. And we don't know who they are or what they're capable of!" Natasha yelled suddenly. She had barely spoken since Peter disappeared.
"You need to sleep at some point, Nat." Tony pointed out.Natasha scoffed.
"That's rich, coming from you." She said, stopping her pacing. She went to the kitchen to escape them all.


Natasha sat on the couch, head in her hands. She knew she should get some sleep. She hadn't gotten much since Peter dissapeared, but she was too worried. She heard almost silent footsteps behind her. She stood up and turned around. She gasped.
"Peter! Where were you?" She cried before seeing his eyes. The normally soft brown was a deep blue. She realised he was being controlled when Peter threw a knife at her. She dodged it, and started talking to Peter.
"Remember when we put glitter all over Uncle Peter's room? Remember how mad he was? Or when Clint was mad because we poured flour all over him?" Natasha said while dodging the knoves thrown at her. Peter's eyes flickered back to brown for a moment. Natasha kept recounting memories.
"Remember the first time you called me Mama?" Natasha asked calmly. Peter suddenly fell to the ground. His eyes turned to brown for a few seconds.
"C'mon Pete! You can fight it! You are stronger than them, c'mon!" Natasha encouraged. Peter was finally back in control again. She rushed him to the medbay, where Bruce luckily was still awake.
"Someone is controlling him by a chip." Natasha said, putting the now knocked out Peter on a medical bed. Bruce nodded and started to get to work, not asking any questions.

The Next Day

All the Avengers and Co. were releaved that Peter was okay. When he was awake, Natasha was the first to hug him. They waited a while before Pietro asked.
"Can we ask you some questions?" Peter nodded.
"Where were you?" Gamora asked.
"I was kidnapped by HYDRA, and was forced to become an assassin or villain by the name of 'DarkSpider'. I was controlled for the first few assasinations, but after the third, it was all me." Peter said, glancing at hos mother. She was heart-broken that he was put through that. Peter answered all their questions. Natasha never let him out of an Avengers and Co. ever again.
