Recipe for Disaster

June 15 2019

For once, it was quiet in the Avengers living room. Or as quiet as it could be. All of the Avengers and Guardians sat in the living room talking. All except Bucky, Steve, Natasha and Peter. Steve and Bucky went on a trip to Florida to spend some time together(Stucky). With the two cooks of the 'house' gone, the others had to take turns cooking.

The night after Bucky and Steve left.

"Who's gonna cook?" Peter Q asked from the floor beside Gamora. No one volountered.
"How long are they gone, FRIDAY?" Gamora asked.
"About 3 weeks." FRIDAY responed.
"How about every day two of us cook together?" Wanda said, braiding Gamora's hair. Everyone agreed.

Present time

There was a startling crash from the kitchen, breaking the silence.
"OW!" Peter P yelled. The Guardians and Avenegers looked to the kitchen worried. There was silence, and everyone assumed the two spiders went back to cooking, which they did. Five minutes later, Natasha could be heard scolding Peter. Ten minutes later, the fire alarm went off.
"Uh, Aunt Gamora? Someone? We could use a little help! Don't let Groot come, though!" Peter called from the kitchen, panic clear in his voice. Gamora and Wanda sighed, but went to the kitchen.
"Holy crap!" Wanda yelled.
"How did you two manage this?" Gamora yelled. The others were curious, so the walked in. Only to see the pasta on FIRE.
"The pasta might be a little crisp." Peter Q joked, but really he was panicing.
"Spiders, get out of the kitchen. I'm gonna cook, seeing as you two can't." Pepper said, sighing.
"There goes my dream of being on Food Network." Peter P joked.

Let's just say Steve, Bucky and the others had fun laughing at the Mother-Son-Spider Duo failing at cooking. What was the crash from? Peter P had somehow tripped over nothing while carrying a pot.
Natasha and Peter were never allowed in the kitchen again.

A/N Sorry this isn't a part 2 of 'Guardians of Peter Parker' I didn't really want to write a long story today.
