DNA Part 3

A/N Hi everyone! I didn't write one word of this oneshot, ThatOneGirl346 did! But she's letting me post it.

It's been an entire year since Peter accepted his parents offer. He was doing good. He went on missions with his family, went out as Spiderman a lot, and even started school. After a couple months he was fully caught up with other kids his age. That was until Hydra came back with a vengeance.

He was in the middle of class when it happened. Fourth period science, Mr. Harrington. Everyone's phone's went off at the same time. Peter was the last to check. It was a training video from Hydra. It wasn't regular training though, it was teaching him how to kill with no mercy. It was a little girl. She looked around twelve. He looked younger. He was only eight, but you could tell it was him. He was slowly slitting her throat while she begged him to live.

The video ended with her lifeless body, and the words, "Хороший Паук,"|Good Spider| as he turned around, his small child body covered in her blood. He looked lifeless. Emotionless. A shell of a child. This video was taken after his parents escaped. Everyone stared at Peter, who was hyperventilating. He hadn't killed anyone in months, not even a training dummy. Seeing his own murder just set him off. He couldn't breath. He couldn't live. He wasn't okay. He was a murderer. That was all he'd ever be.

You can't fight DNA. It always came back to haunt you.

Within minutes of dead silence, and kids slowly moving away from Peter, two figures jumped through the window. It was The Black Widow and The Winter Soldier.

"Peter honey Peter. You're okay. See, you're not their. Your record. Remember. Eight months thirteen days. That was a practice dummy too. See, you don't do that anymore. Come on, we'll figure it out. We gotta go though. Shh baby, it's okay." The Black Widow soothed.

The class watched The Winter Soldier pick Peter up and go back out the window, with The Black Widow following.

"What the fuck," Flash whispered through the silence.

Ned literally snorted. He had found out already and was totally cool with it. "You guys didn't believe that he had an internship for Stark Industries. Why would we tell you about his parents being Avengers, and the fact that he was an assassin for the first like fourteen years of his life.

Everyone still just stared at the window.

Peter tried to escape his DNA. No matter how hard he tried, it always came back to haunt him.

You can't escape DNA.
