
Peter walked through the halls of the school. It was the first year that he had been free of HYDRA. His green eyes scanned the room, people all were wearing costumes and face paint, just like him. He had to admit that the face paint was a bit itchy, but he didnt have alot on. He was already really pale, so mama thought he'd want to be a vampire. She showed him some pictures and he agreed. He didnt wear all those Victorian clothes, they looked itchy.
Instead, he went to school as a modern vampire.
Suddenly, the PA system went on.
"All students go to the gym. Thank you." Peter turned on his heel and walked toward the gym.
When he stepped inside, he saw a smoke machine, decorations, and flashing lights beside the closed curtain on the stage. In the rest of the gym, he saw decorations, smoke machines and he heard music blasting from the speakers.
He tried to block out the music and began to look for Ned. He had been searching for about 5 minutes, when Ned tapped him on the shoulder.
Ned shouted over the loud music.
"C'mon, you gotta learn this dance!" Ned then showed Peter the famous tiktok spooky scary skeletons dance.
A few minutes later, with the song looping, Peter knew all the words. He was screaming the lyrics with everyone else, doing the dance Ned taught him.
After about an hour, all the students piled out of the gym. Peter had learn this is Hallowe'en and the Monster Mash.
After school had ended, Peter went home and wiped the face paint off.
His mama came up behind him, in a classic sheet ghost.
"Boo" she said. Peter started before chuckling and pulling the sheet of of Natasha.
"Mama!" He giggled. Natasha smiled fondly at him and ruffled his hair. It was only then that Peter realised that Natasha was in her suit.
"Mama, why are you in your suit?" Peter asked.
"You'll see. Go put your suit on, okay Bud?" Peter nodded and raced off. He came back a minute later, suit on.
Natashe smiled at the young boy, and chuckled. She handed him a pillowcase and turned back to him.
"We are going trick or treating." Natasha said. When Peter gave her a questioning look, she continued. "You knock on people's doors, say trick or treat and then they put candy in your pillowcase."
Peter nodded,then began to speak.
"What if they choose trick?" He demanded, raising his eyebrows.
"Well, you do a trick. Do you want to practice?" Natasha asked her son. Peter nodded. Natasha went to her bedroom and instructed Peter to knock on the door.
"Trick or treat!" Peter exclaimed. Natasha smiled.
"Trick." She stated. Peter looked at her, before performing a backflip. Natasha nodded and dropped an aero bar in his pillowcase.
"Now we're all set. Let's go." Natasha said, glancing at the setting sun. Peter sprang up excitedly, and off the family of two went.
Peter ran up to their neighbors house.
"Trick or treat!" Peter exclaimed as their neighbors opened the door.
The neighbors smiled and handed out candy.
"Happy Hallowe'en, Romanoffs." They stated as the two went over to the next house.
They continued trick or treating, often switching neighborhoods.
Let's just say, they got so much candy that even Peter got a little bigger with his fast metabolism.

A/N HAPPY HALLOWE'EN! I'm going as a vampire, what are you all going as?
I'm sorry it's been so long since I've properly updated.
Again, Happy Hallowe'en!
-your spoopy author, Stella
