The Spirits Show

A/N hey guys, this is part two of Its Quiet Uptown.
I realised I never put a warning, so there are warnings for death mentions, mental breakdowns, and a whole lot of sadness.
Be warned, love ya all.

"Mama!" Wanda cried, running to her mother.
"Yes? What is it sweetie?" Natasha asked softly, stroking her daughter's hair.
"Teddy's all dirty." She sniffed, holding up her teddy bear, which was covered in mud. Natasha shook her head, took the bear and stood.
"I'll go wash Teddy, how about you go on the swingset?" Natasha offered, and Wanda nodded eagerly, always ready to go on the swingset.
Natasha sighed as her daughter skipped away.
Wanda had a mental breakdown after her younger brother, Peter's, death. It sent her into a state of enternal childhood.
The death of her brother was the most likely the cause of the breakdown.
Natasha walked to the window, watching Wanda sniff the flowers before hopping onto the swings.
Natasha walked from the window, and began to wash the Teddy.
When the bear was clean, she set it on the front porch, in a place that always got sun, to dry.
She returned to the sink, and Natasha looked over at the knives.
Her children's first knives, her sons dead, her daughter forever a child.
She began making lunch, pb and j sandwiches.
Natasha looked over her shoulder when she heard the knock.
Cautious, she walked over, looking out the window.
There stood a woman, and Natasha recognized her instantly.
She had been there when Wanda thought she saw her brothers in town.
Natasha opened the door.
"Hello!" She greeted cheerfully. "I'm Angelica. Angelica Brunson. You are?" Natasha had heard of the woman. She was the wittiest girl in town, apparently, and had a habit of being fiercely overprotective, much like Natasha herself. Bucky had met her, and Natasha assumed that's who Angelica was looking for.
"Natasha Romanoff. My husband isn't here at the moment." Natasha turned to the swingset, not trusting the woman alone withe her daughter.
"Wanda, could you come inside?" Natasha asked. Wanda nodded, and jumped of the swing.
"Have a nice day." Natasha said to Ms Brunson, but apparently Angelica had other ideas.
"But I wanted to get to know you. We live beside you." Angelica said, still standing politely at the door.
"Well, come on in." Natasha said, a bit shocked that someone wanted to get to know her.
Angelica Brunson stepped in the door and closed it behind her.
She analyzed the small cabin, looking at each wall and corner and bookshelf.
The cabin had a large window by the window, that was currently open. It had bookshelves and pictures along the other walls, and there were two couches near the window.
"I'm sorry for the mess," Natasha said. "I wasn't expecting anyone." But Angelica laughed it off. She took off her spring coat and folded it in her lap.
"Sweetie, can you introduce yourself to Ms. Brunson?" Natasha offered to her daughter.
"I'm Wanda, Miss!" Wanda said cheerfully, and both women smiled.
With that, the young girl skipped away.
"She has a strange fashion sense." Angelica noted, when Wanda disappeared around the corner, old fashioned dress flying behind her. It was strange to dress like that, even in the old fashioned town in which they lived.
"She wasn't raised by us until she was 9." Natasha said, face falling. "People took her. The only gave her the really old clothes of the other children that those people had taken." She admitted.
"Strange that she kept that fashion sense, isn't it?" Angelica asked, feeling bad.
"She-She's stuck in a state of enteral childhood." Natasha quietly said. "Her twin brother Pietro died a few years back, and then her younger brother Peter, just before we moved here." Natasha took a breath, looking around for Wanda.
"It gave her a mental breakdown. She didn't even know he was dead at his funeral. Thought we were pulling a joke. Every day she asks when Peter will be home, to show him her bird."
Angelica frowned.
"I'm so sorry for your loses." Angelica said, and put a hand on Natasha's shoulder in comfort. She opened her mouth to speak more, but froze, looking behind Natasha.
Confused, Natasha turned.
And came face to face with her dead sons.
"Peter? Pietro?" She asked. She turnsd back to Ms. Brunsun. "I'm losing it. I-"
"Mama, its us." Pietro spoke. He tapped her shoulder.
"We're spirits. We love you." Peter said. Then, they faded, their last sentences echoing.
And then Bucky appeared before them.
"Natasha..." Bucky spoke, and said woman froze.
"I'm sorry." Bucky whispered. "I'm so sorry. Take care of Wanda. I love you." And then, like his sons, he too, faded. And then the phone rang, snapping the women out of their thoughts.
Natasha ran to the phone, and Angelica watched her.
"Yes? Yes? Clint- no." Natasha said into the phone, and then she dropped it. It shattered as she let out a blood curdling scream.
Angelica knew what had happened, before Natasha spoke.
Bucky Barnes had died in battle, the third member of the family to do so.
Angelica walked over and comforted the crying woman, suddenly it was like they'd always known each other.
Eyes wide, Wanda peeked around the corner.
"Mama? Are you okay? When will Peter, Pietro and Papa be home?" Wanda asked, and Natasha sobbed.
"We are the only ones left sweetie. They are gone."
