Spectacular School(Part Two of Terrific Tour)

Wanda and Peter walked through the halls, side by side looking at their time-tables. They found theire first period room and sat at the back, hoping not to be noticed. The teacher, however, decided that everyone should know of the new siblings.
"Class, we have two new students. Please come introduce yourselves." The teacher said. The Twins reluctantly got up and made they're way to the front of the class. Peter stared to speak by was cut off by Wanda.
"I'm Wanda Maximoff and this is my brother Peter Parker." Wanda declared.
"Why do you have differant last names?" A random girl asked. The class looked at the twins.
"We're adopted. Our parents decided we should know our roots." Wanda stated simply and she and Peter sat back down.
The rest of the day went smoothly. That was until lunch.
Peter had become friends with a boy named Ned in their second period, as the twins were in seperate classes. Wanda had met a girl named MJ in second period. The four sat together at lunch.
"Literally everyone has mad respect for MJ. She can silence a room in a glance." Ned told Peter, which earned a 'True.' from MJ.
The four chatted for a bit while eating.
"And then, the substitute fainted in the middle of his speec-" Ned was cut off by a boy with darker skin. He turned to Wanda, completely ignoring the other three.
"Hey Babe~ Wanna come sit at my table? You'll get away from these losers." The boy said. Wanda shook her head, disgusted and turned back to Ned, motioning for him to continue his story. The boy kept insisting that she was 'too pretty' to sit with the losers. Finally, MJ had enough.
"Piss off, Flash. She doesn't want to sit with you and your goons." MJ stated, clearly annoyed, as she looked up from her book. The boy, now known as Flash, scowled at MJ.
"Stay out of this, Michelle."  Flash demanded, not noticing the siblings whispering to each other.
"Ванда, ты хочешь сидеть с нами?(Wanda, do you want to sit with us?)" Peter whispered, motioning to Ned, MJ and himself.
"Конечно! Этот "Флэш" чувак действительно груб и раздражает.(Of course! This "Flash" dude is really rude and annoying.)" Wanda whispered back. Flash, visably annoyed at this point, grabbed Wanda's arm and tried to pull her with him.
"Ванда! Помнишь, что сказала мама? Мы не можем использовать наши способности!(Wanda! Remember what Mama said? We cannot use our abilities!)" Peter whispered when he noticed a tint of red in her eyes, which was luckily un-noticed by everyone else. Flash then pulled Wanda clean out of her seat and was dragging her toward his table. Wanda squirmed, but Flash held her in a way so she couldn't escape. Peter was not having that.
"Hey Dipsh*t!" Everyone turned to Peter, who was out of his seat.
"What did you call me?" Flash growled.
"Oh, would you prefer F*ckhead Flash?"(Thanks FunkySpaceWizard12 for the name.) The lunch room erupted in laughter.
"Now, let go of my sister." Peter demanded. Flash simply turned and was walking away again. In a flash, Peter was infront of him.
"Let. Go. Of. My. Sister." Peter demanded menicingly, causing half the lunch room, including Flash, shudder. Flash, being the idiot he is, tried to walk around Peter. Peter slapped Flash, hard. Flash let go of Wanda and she stood up. The siblings walked back to their table and resumed eating. Flash stared after them, holding his throbing cheek.
After school, Wanda walked around the school, looking for Peter.

With Peter (@>©)

Peter was pulled behind the school by Flash and his goons. Flash told him to square up, and started punching and kicking at Peter. Peter lazily dodged which did not make Flash happy.
Flash started hitting harder, actually landing a few on Peter, who had stopped trying.
After ten minutes of Flash punching and kicking Peter, Peter started getting annoyed. He used karate and easily took Flash down. Flash got up and resumed attacking Peter.
Everytime, Peter won. After all, his parents were the best and they trained him.
Peter was fed up at this point, so he roundhouse kicked Flash's legs out from under him. Flash landed flat on his butt. This time Flash didn't get up. He sat there and started to cry and throw a tantrum.
"Now, how about you leave my sister, my friends and myself alone." Peter said, crouching down. "Or you'll suffer the conciquences." He finished threateningly, standing up, and walked away.
As Peter walked out from behind the school, he spotted Wanda and their parents standing by the car. The 3 were looking around nervously. Natasha spotted him and ran over.
"Питер! Где ты был?(Peter! Where have you been?)" She asked, hugging him.
"Прости мама!(Sorry Mama!)" Peter said sheepishly as they walked to the car. They got into the car.
"Как прошел твой день?(How was your day?)" Bucky asked as he started the car. Peter and Wanda exchanged looks.
"Это было хорошо...(It was good...)" Wanda lied.
"Не ври нам, Ванда.(Don't lie to us, Wanda.)" Natasha said.
"Ты дрался?(Did you get in a fight?)" Bucky asked jokingly.
"Возможно...(Possibly...)" Peter admitted. Natasha, Bucky and Wanda looked at Peter in shock.
"Какой-то ребенок неуважительно относился к Ванде! Он пытался утащить ее куда-нибудь, чтобы я ударил его. Он вытащил меня в школу и попытался бороться со мной .( Some kid disrespected Wanda! He tried to drag her somewhere so I hit him. He dragged me behind the school and tried to fight me.)" Peter stated.
"Что ты имеешь в виду под судом?(What do you mean by tried?)" Bucky asked, amused.
"Ну, папа, примерно через 20 минут ничего не делая, я выбил ему ноги из-под него.(Well Dada, after about 20 minutes of doing nothing, I kicked his legs out from under him.)" Peter said, opening his bag.
" Это наш Пит!(That's our Pete!)" Wanda said happily.
No,one messed with Wanda, MJ, Ned or Peter at school, ever.

A/N Do you guys want more WinterWidow?
