Old Friend Pt. 2

Peter sat on a building, mask off and wind blowing through his hair. He sigh quietly, knowing how much Uncle Ben and Aunt May liked the stars. He had his face resting on his hands, elbows on his knees. He was careful not to tip his balance. He sudenly pulled on his mask and stood up, alert. Wanda came up behind him.
"Hey, Spidey. I just wanna know who you are." She said to him, eyeing the edge.
"Don't you all." He replied, taking note of how she looked for ways of his possible escape.
"Can you at least show your face?" Wanda pleaded.
"Um, no."  He said before turning around to swing off. He was blocked by a wall of magic.
"Please?" Wanda asked again. Peter turned around.
"Ugh, fine." He pulled off his mask. She stared, unknowingly letting the wall of magic down. Peter took his chance and swung off, pulling his mask back on. Why did she look at him like that? She couldn't possibly know h- Natasha. She probably told then about him. But how had Wanda known what he looked like?

Wanda's POV(I know, right? A POV that's not first person!)

"Ugh, fine" Spidey said as he pulled off his mask. I accidentally let mg wall of magic down. He took his chance and swung off. First, he was obviously a ten, 16 at most. Second, he looked like the kid Natasha knew, Peter was his name? I don't know. All I can think of is to get back to the others.

(@>©) At the Avengers

When I walk into the room, everyone turns to me. I sit beside Pietro and answer theie questions.
"How'd it go?" Sam asks.
"I got him to willingly take off his mask."
"Favoritism." Clint muttered, probably upset he couldn't get that far.
"Actually, know that I think of it, I kept him there with magic, sooo... Really he had no other choice." I admit.
"What's he look like? His age?" Tony asks.
"Shuri's age. 15, 16 at most. Actually, he looked like that kid Nat told us about." I say casually, taking a sip of Coke. Everyone turns to look at Natasha, who had froze.
"Got somethin' to tell us, Nat?" Bucky asks mockingly.
"Well, you figured it out, sooo.." Natasha admits, looking out the window.
"Wait, what? I actually figured out who Spidey is?" I ask, very surprised. Natasha nods.
"And you knew the whole time!?" Sam demands. Again, Natasha just nods. Wow, I was right.
"I actually did know his parents, they did work for SHEILD, but I ran into him while he was on patrol, not in Walmart." Natasha explains. "Anyway, I'm gonna call him." Natasha then picks up her phone and dials a number. Everyone stares at her while she tells Spidey something.
A  few moments later, we all hear a tap on the window. Poor Bucky almost hax a heart-attack. We looked over to see Spidey beside a closed window. Natasha gets up and opens it. Spidey crawled through.

A/N Sorry for the delay! I'm probably going to update only two or three times a week from now on. I really want to work on my other books, too. Thank you all for reading, by the way, I'm really happy that you guys enjoy my stories. Part 3 on the way!
