It's Quiet Uptown

Beware, this is long, I cried while writing this.

The Avengers watched as Natasha ran to the little boy, only a mere 8 years old."No, no, no, you're gonna be okay, alright?" She soothed, stroking his hair as he cried. In his hand, the boy held a small folder, packed with papers.
"M-Mama!" Peter sobbed, staring in horror at the folder. Inside, were all his deeds as a young assassin for HYDRA. He was young, having been saved at age 6. He was under control, all those times, and he remembered none of it. Slowly, the memories came back.Pietro and Wanda, 11 years old, ran toward their brother, assisting their mother in calming Peter down.Bucky watched as his family huddled around his youngest son, helpless.He should have gottten the folder burned. Now his son found it.

Years later

Pietro had died.Wanda was sobbing into Peter's shoulder, soaking his shirt. Behind them, stood their parents, both wearing black.the children had insisted on wearing blue, Pietro's favorite colour. So each parent held something blue each.Natasha had tears on her cheeks, as well as her childen. Bucky's eyes brimed with tears, as he looked over the small casket, can't beleiving it held his 15 year old son.The whole way out of the church, Natasha grasped Peter and Wanda's hands, desperate for her other son back.He was buirede in a small graveyard in a meadow, dotted with blue flowers.Together, Peter and Wanda set down the small statue of an angel, turned and embraced their parents. All four were crying their hearts out, unresponsive to the others.Bucky knew nothing else could happen to his family, or he'd lose Natasha and their children completely.

Years Later

"No!" Natasha and Wanda cried together, dashing over to the limp body of 13 year old Peter Romanoff. The small teen looked down, seeing the several gun shot and stab wounds. He knew, no matter how good his healing factors were, he would not survive.
He looked at his family, mother, sister, father, the Avengers. He collapsed, and Wanda screamed his name.The three stood over their brother and son.
"Mama, Papa, sis, I love you so much. Keep them safe." He gasped out, "I'll be happy with Pietro."
"NO!" Wanda screamed, "You are not dying on me!" But as she spoke, they all saw the life leave the spiderling's eyes, and he was gone."No! Bruce, help him!" Natasha screamed."Nat... He's gone, there's nothing we can do." Bruce said sadly. He shook his head, feeling for his nephew's non exsistant pulse once miore.Natasha collapsed, and the battle had ended, the threat gone.

Days Later

Bucky looked over his family. A broken. unfortunate family.
It was the day of Peter's funeral.
Natasha wore a simple black dress, Wanda dressed in a similar one, in her hand a small bouqet of red and blue wild flowers. Bucky himself wore a black suit.
They stood at the front of the small chapel, the same one that Pietro's was in.Peter was also buired beside his brother.Wanda placed the flowers on the gravestone, but turned back to look at Bucky.
"How long ago did Pietro pass?" She asked, a far away look in her eyes.
"A-A few years ago, sweetie." Natasha choked out, tears streaming down her cheeks like rivers. Wanda smiled sadly, but then looked around.
"But where's Peter?" She asked, and Natasha sobbed.
"Wanda... He's dead." Bucky said sadly. Wanda frowned.
"That's not a very funny joke, Papa." Wanda said, skipping to the car.

4 Months Later

Wanda stood at the window of the small cabin, looking into the garden, stroking her bird, Pietre. She wore an old fashion blue dress, her brothers's favorite colour. They lived in the small cabin uptown, that Bucky had bought shortly after Peter's funeral.
Buying Pietre was the last decision Bucky and Natasha had made, and also one of the last time they spoke.
Wanda walked over to Bucky.
"When is Peter gonna be home from school?" She asked, in childlike innocence. "He hasn't met Pietre yet." She then walked out to the gardens, swinging on the swingset.
Bucky sighed.
Wanda.... He thought. The only daughter and living child of Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff was in a state of enternal childhood, since her younger brother's passing.
He looked to the garden, seeing her joyful smile.He picked up his phone."May? Could you come take Wanda for a walk? Thank you." Bucky asked. He hung up and waited for May.
About 15 minutes later, she appeared, and took Wanda out for a walk.
Tears brimmed in his eyes as he faintly heard his daughter.
"Can Peter come? Why not, Aunt May?"
He walked to the kitche door, where Natasha was polishing the three small knives that sat on display in the kitchen. Peter's first knife, and each of the twins's first knife.
Natasha had planned to give her daughter the three knives, but after Wanda was sent into enteral childhood, she was a danger to herself.
Bucky offered Natasha a hand, inviting her to go on a walk, but she turned away, starting to put away Wanda's clothes.
Bucky sighed, before going to get ready for church.
Every Sunday, the three went to church.
It had taken forever to get used to the unimaginable.
Bucky walked along the quiet streets, alone, talking to himself.
"Peter, you would like it uptown, it's quiet uptown." He muttered, looking around.
There were rumors about the family. How Bucky walked the legnth of the city, how there was something wrong with the mother and daughter, and so many others.
When he returned home, he found Wanda in her night dress, staring at the stars in awe as May pointed out constallations, the Hydra, the little dipper.
Once Bucky was changed, he went up to Natasha, and this time, she accepted his hand.
Wanda was tucked into bed, and the two went into their large, quiet, twisting garden.
"Look at where we are!" Bucky said hopefully.
"Look where we started!" Natasha argued, tears threatening to spill.
"If i could spare their lives, trade their lives for mine, they'd be standing here right now," Natasha's tears spilled. "You would smile, that would be enough. I dont pretend to know, the challenges we're facing. I know there's no replacing what we've lost."
"But i need time." Natasha cried.
"Im not afraid, and i know who I married, and I'll stay here by your side. Natasha, do you like it uptown? It's quiet uptown."
He is trying to do the unimaginable. May thought standing at the window.
"Aunt May?" Wanda asked suddenly, holding a teddy bear, out of bed. "Are Mama and Papa fighting? Why?"
May sighed.
"There are moments that the words don't reach," There is a grace to powerful to name, but Wanda wouldn't understand. "We push away what we can never understand." May held Wanda's face in her hands, turned back to the window, holding her neice close.
They stood together, by the bench in the garden, Bucky by Natasha's side. She takes Bucky's hand, and smiles through her tears.
"It's quiet uptown." She said softly.
"Forgivness." May breathed in disbelief. "Can you imagine?" May asked her neice, who was now leaning onto May's shoulder.
"Forgivness?" Wanda repeated tiredly, tilting her head. May laughed and hugged her neice.
"Can you imagine?" May laughed through tears.
Natasha and Bucky walked down to the stores, May and their daughter running ahead.
A woman looked on, wondering how a 15 year old girl could act like that, and why her parents seemed to finally be together. She felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned to see two boys, one 14 and the other 13.
"When you see them in the streets, walking by each others sides, talking by their sides, have pity." The older one said, glancing sadly at the girl.
The girl suddenly looked over, said "Peter, Pietro!" and tried to run over, but her aunt stopped her.
The woman realised, that maybe she and the girl could only see the boys. She shivered. Ghosts.
"They are going through the unimaginable." The younger boy said, and the boys faded away.

"They are going through the unimaginable."

A/N 1365 words, just saying one of my longest chapters.
Anyway, sorry for this depressing chapter, thank Theatre_geeking_101 for accidentally giving me the idea.
Love you all!
-Stella, your author.
