Class Call

Peter froze as his phone rang in the middle of class.
He went to turn it off, but the teacher snapped, tired of phones ringing during his class.
"No, pick it up. Let the class hear what is so important." Mr. Harrington snapped. Peter stared at him, but picked up the phone.
"I'm in the middle of class, you're on spdaker, Mama." Peter stated into the phone.
"Come home now. It's urgent." A female voice rang out, clearly annoyed. Everyone stared as Peter switched languages like they were pokemon cards.
"Клинт уничтожил половину гостиной.(Clint destroyed half the living room.)" The voice said. Peter hit his head against his desk.
"Okay, bye. I have to go. Now." Peter said standing up.
"NO! You are not leaving this classroom until you give a valid reason!" Mr. Harrington screeched at Peter.
"You heard that, Mama?" Peter asked into the phone.
"Yup, I'm on my way." The call then cut and people started to talk. Peter smirked and saud;
"My mom iscon the way, prepare yourself." Mr. Harrington scoffed, no one would have authority over him in his own classroom.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.
Mr. Harrington opened the door and froze. The person pushed past Mr. Harrington and the class gasped. Black Widow had just walked into their classroom.
"E-excuse me, Ms. Romanoff, why are you here?" Mr. Harrington stuttered. Natasha glared at him.
"Pete, let's go." She stated and walked out. Peter stood to walk out, but was stopped by Mr. Harrington who was screeching are Peter being a liar, some classmates joining in.
Natasha walked back in and saw Peters pale face.
"Okay, how about we all shut up so I don't have another urgency on my hands. I need Peter's help to fix the living room." Natasha stated walking over to Mr. Harrington.
"What happend?" Some kid asked, holding her hand up.
"BirdBrain destroyed our living room." Natasha said as Peter stood up.
"AKA my stupid uncle." Peter stated, throwing the peace sign as he walked out.
"Oh, before I go, who is Eugene Thompson?" Natasha asked, stopping at the door. MJ pointed to Flash. Natasha walked over with a blank face.
"Okay, leave my son alone, or I break your neck." She threatened darkly. She then smilied sweetly, and walked out.


"You threatened Flash, didn't you?" Peter asked as they walked to the car.
"Well, Wanda and Pietro would've just murdered him." Natasha stated, getting in the car.
"Now, let's get that living room fixed."

A/N Hello! Wings Part 2 is gonna be out next. Sorry this is kinda short, I just thought it was funny.
Love you all!
