Birthday Boi!

Peter woke up, and looking around in shock. Avengers Tower was never this quiet. It was calming. He sat up, and walked to the kitchen.
When he got there and turned on the lights, streamers were thrown in his face and 'Happy Birthday!'s were shouted. Peter took a step back and looked at everyone there. Harley, his Mom, MJ, Ned, Shuri and all the Avengers were there. Everyone he knew, basically. Shuri quoted a vine and hugged him, Ned hugged him, MJ punched his are in sisterly way. Harley kissed Peter's cheek(in a romantic way), and Peter got a hug from every aunt and uncle there. Finally, Natasha nearly killed him because she hugged him so tight.
"My little Spider is 16 now!" She cried.
After that fiasco, they ate breakfast. It was pancakes, Peters favorite, made by Bucky. Then was the presents.
From Shuri was a real lightsaber.
Ned got him a StarWars LEGO set.
MJ got him a few more science pun t-shirts.
Harley made him a potato gun.
Tony bought him a car.
Bucky made him a blanket.
Clint got him a prank kit.
Sam got him a Spider-Man mug.
Steve got him a photogrphy camera.
Bruce gave him some chemicals and equipment to mess around in thw lab with.
The Twins made him a paper macheé Volcano, in honor of a failed science project.
Pepper got him a snowglobe of London, where he had lived with foster parents, before he was kidnapped by HYDRA again.
Thor brought him some metals from Asgard.
Loki got him a pet spider(which Peter loves).
Scott got him a t-shirt that said "I'm a BugBro!".
Hope got him a shirt that said "When I say 'Please go away', it means I am too polite to tell you to F off".
Carol got him a small flying jet.
The Guardians brought him a space blaster.
Morgan made him a drawing of Peter and her.
Finally, Natasha got him a hand-made plushy. It was of Peter and Natasha. Across the front was stiched 'Семья пауков(Spider Family)'.
They spent the day watching the Star Wars movies in the Avengers living room.
Peter had the best birthday ever.

I looked up Peter Parker's birthday, and one website said August tenth and another said August twenty-seventh. But I'm going with August tenth, because this book is the MCU not the comics, so........
