Got Tagged?(again)

I was tagged by Natalia_Romanova
Let's do this.

1. Sorry peeps, I ain't giving you my full name. One of my middle names is Mae.

2. Pieces

3. A) Being forgotten B) Being replaced C) Death

4. Reading, video games and climbing trees.

5. I'm a child.

6. Still a child.

7. Online BFF is ThatOneGirl346

8. Idk

9. Still a child.

10. Like, 5'1?

11. Idk, the smell of damp tree bark?

12. About 10:30AM

13. Red and Purple

14. Nope

15. "Go ahead, underestimate me. You aren't the first, you won't be the last. But you will be wrong." Or "With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later."

16. Niagara Falls.

17. Hamburgers.

18. Totally not.

19. A QUEEN. Also a child.

20. Idk, feet.

21. 7

22. Sometimes they're blue, sometimes they're gray.

23. Brown and purple.

24. Sweaters, sweatpants, anything gray or black.

25. No

26. Why?

27. I don't know what a URL is.

28. Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix.

29. Monster by Imagine Dragons.

30. P!ATD I guess

31. Tired

32. Platonically, my friends

33. STILL a child.

34. We're good. We love each other.

35. Hallowe'en.

36. Nada

37. Nada

38. Art

39. Currently reading Son of Neptune from the Heroes of Olympus.

40. Nope

41. I'm. A. Child. Lol

42. Last week. Only because I was demonstrating a game for kindergarteners that involved holding hands.

43. 30 minutes, because I'm lazy.

44. I'm scared of razors

45. In my bed.

46. Child

47. Loud.

That took a while.
Sorry this isn't an update, I'll try to post in a few days. I just really havent had any motivation lately.
-Stella, your author




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