
June 15 2019

Peter was scared, no, he was terrified. Sadly, he needed braces. So he got them, no big deal. Except they gave him a lisp. Now he really sounded like a nerd. He knew that Flash would tease him more.
On Monday after school, Flash yelled at Peter.
"Yo, Penis!" Peter looks at him.
"What, cat got your tongue?" Flash yelled into Peter's face.
"No, Flash, shove off." Peter said, turning to walk away.
"No, I don't think I will." Flash taunted.
"Well, I think you're an athhole." Peter muttered.
"You have a lisp? Ha PATHETIC PUNY PENIS PARKER HAS A LISP!" Flash yelled for the whole school to hear. Everyone laughed at him. He completely forgot to tell the Avengers and the Guardians(who were all on missions) about his braces and his lisp.

At the tower

Peter walked to the elevator.
"Hello MiniRomanoff, what floor would you like to go to?" FRIDAY asked him.
"Floor ninety-thix pleathe FRIDAY.(Ninety-six, please)" Peter said polietly. FRIDAY took him to that floor.
"Hi Mum!" Peter said brightly to Natasha.
"How was school, Pete" Steve asked aftee saying 'hello'.
"It wath good, nothing bad, like normal. What'th for thupper, Uncle Theve?" Peter said, nervous about what they'd say about his lisp.
"Awwww, you have a lisp!"(the aw is ment as  endearment, just in case someone misunderstands.) Gamora said from the couch as Sam burst out laughing. Peter didn't speak to either of them until they apologised.
"So Pete, what did you get on your science test?" Natasha asked her son, ruffling his hair.
"It wath eathy. I got a ninety theven becauthe I didn't do the exthra credit.(it was easy. I got ninety seven because I didn't do the extra credit)"

Tuesday after school

"HEY PENIS! How's that nerdy lisp?" Flash yelled at Peter. Unfortunatly, this was the day the Guardians and his mum were picking him up. They saw everything. EVERYTHING.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO MY SON?" Natasha yelled at Flash, going full Mama Spider mode. As in knives out. The Guardians minus Rocket, went back to the car with Peter. Everyone was staring now, even teachers and parents. They could distantly hear Natasha and Rocket yelling at Flash. Peter got out of the car again and went over to Flash, stepping infront of him.
"No, Mum, Uncle Rocket. You can't kill people. Ethpecialy minorth!(especialy minors)!" Peter started lecturing. Everyone stared. Peter Parker had just protected Flash from Rocket and Black Widow, calling them Mum and Uncle.
No one bugged Peter again.
