Another Field Trip

June 11 2019

Another field trip because I'm bored, and I saw another type of field trip, so I was like, "Imma try dis"

Edit as of 07/08/2020
Please stop commenting "Are you sure he didn't faint?" On the sentance "Actually, he was surprised Ned didn't faint."
I know you guys dont mean harm, but it's getting annoying and I'd like for it to stop.
Thanks everyone!-Eli<3

Petr sat in his classroom, while his teacher tried to get the classes attention.
"Listen up, y'all need to listen to this man!" Flash said, standing up and pointing at his teacher.
"Thank you, Flash." Mr. Harrington said, smiling warmly at Flash, who sat back down. It was clear that Flash was the favorite, and no one dared mess with him.
"Anyway, this year for our end of the year trip, we are going tooo" Mr. Harrington said, slapping his legs in a drumroll. Peter was annoyed that he was taking so long. It was his last class, and his Мама паук was picking him up. She normally did, but it was the first time Peter would see her since two weeks ago, as she had been on a mission.
"Stark Industries!" Mr. Harrington shouted, throwing his hands up.
Welp, might aswell move in with Scott now! Peter thought as his class burst into screams and cheers. Peter covered his ears, his senses going haywire. Just then, the bell rang, and Mr. Harrington dismissed them after giving them permission slips. Mr  Harrington had wanted to talk to Peter, but after he was handed the form, he dashed out, clearly in a hurry.
Peter ran out of the school, and spotted his Мама паук in her car. He ran over and hopped in.
"Эй, мама паук! Как прошла миссия? Я так рад, что ты вернулся!(Hey, Mama Spider! How was the mission? I am so happy you're back!)" Peter exclaimed when his mom started to drive to the tower. She told him about her mission, who was there, what she had to do, all that stuff. Peter had to admit, he and his mom had pretty cool lives. Peter hid his permission slip, hoping that they wouldn't find it. He thought he hid it well.

The Avengers sat at the dinner table, eating Taco Bell. There had been a massive argument over Taco Bell and Wendy's, which Peter quickly silenced. Everything was fine, and everyone was talking. Only Peter noticed the absence of the Black Widow. He simply thought she had just gone to the bathroom. Wrong.
"Hey маленький паук, excited for your field trip?" Natasha asks from the doorway, holding his permission form.
"Oooh Pete has a field trip? Where?" Wanda asked, smiling at her little brother with a glint in her eye. Peter tried to grab the form with his webs, but he failed.
"He has a field trip...." Clint said.
"To here." Loki said, reading off the name on the form. By now, Peter felt really betrayed. First his Mom, the his big sister, and now his favorite Uncles? Natasha signed the form, stuffed it in his backpack, and called Ned.
"Hello, Mr. Leeds? I know you're Peter's friend, please make sure his teacher gets his form, okay? Thank you, goodbye." Now Peter knew he was going on the trip. Ned would always obey an Avenger. Actually, he was surprised Ned didn't faint.


Peter was called back after class that day. Mr. Harrington showed him his permission form.
"This is unacceptable, Parker! First you lie, and now you forge an Avengers' signature? I know having no family is traumatizing, but you can't keep up this lie!" Mr. Harrington spat at Peter, but he kept his ground.
"That's it! You are no longer allowed on this trip!" Mr. Harrington spat. Peter knew he was going to have to stay home that day, as the whole school was going. He knew, he would cross paths with them at some point.
"See you there then.." He mutter, and walked out.

~(@>©)~ the day of the trip

Peter stayed at home. He was walking to one of the intern's labs as they asked for him. He could hear his class. He tried to hid, but Mr. Harrington saw him anyway.
"Parker!" He shouted. "How dare you sneak onto the bus! How dare you sneak into the tower! How dare you!" He looked at the tour guide, who was new, but reconized Peter. She didn't do anything. Everyone at Avengers Tower loved him, and besides, with Black Widow as him mom...
Mr. Harrington, seeing that no one was going to call security, screeched,
"SECURITY!" The security was there in an instant. They were new, and they hadn't met Peter yet so they thought he was an intruder. One of the guards grabbed Peter's arm and tried to drag him along, but Peter easily slipped out of the guards grasp. The other guard tried, this time getting a better grip the Peter couldn't get out of. Clint dropped out, making everyone scream.
"What the fu-rick do you think you're doing?" Clint asked, forcing a smile.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Barton, my student wasn't allowed to go on the trip. He must have snuck in. Terribly sorry." Mr. Harrington said, glaring at Peter.
"Penis Parker's a brat, anyway! He's been lieing about having a Stark Internship! He is a BRAT!" Flash screeched, also glaring at Peter.
"Is that so?" Two falsely calm voices asked together.
"Yes, Puny Penis Parker is a brat!" Flash said, crossing his arms and closing his eyes.
"Do you want to repeat that?" Natasha growled as she dropped down beside Clint, Wanda and Loki.
"Pen-" Flash stopped, seeing the four heros in front of him. They each had a look of murder in there eyes.
"Mom! Uncle Clint, Uncle Loki, Wanda, YOU CAN'T KILL MINORS, OR PEOPLE, IT'S ILLEGAL!" Peter shouted, frantic.
"Parker, shut up with all your lies! And how dare you call the Avengers 'Uncle' and whatever else you called them! Apologise!" Mr. Harrington said, slapping Peter. Flash also slapped him. Man, they were idiots. Shuri then appeared. The five heros shouted,
"Stay away from my cousin!"
"Stay away from my nephew!"
"Stay away from my brother!"
"Stay away from my nephew!"
"Stay away from my son!"
The school looked at them. So Peter wasn't lieing. They saw the Avengers grab Peter out of the security guards hands. The Avengers each hugged him.
"Continue with the tour, darling." Wanda told the younger tour guide.
"Except those four." Scott said as he inlarged, scaring everyone, and pointed at Flash, Mr. Harrington and the security guards.
"Yes, put those two on the bus." Loki, Clint and Shuri said, pointing at Flash and Mr. Harrington.
"And those two, you're fired." Natasha said. The security guards started to protest, but Natasha pulled out a knife, which silenced them. The rest of the school had an awesome tour, ending in an unprepared Q 'n A.
Let's just say, no one bullied Peter ever again.
