Deadly Duets

June 11 2019

Here are two things you may not know about Natasha Romanoff.
Number 1; Natahsa has an amazing voice. Not just good, but like, 'oh my gosh the angels just blessed my ears' good. Number 2; When she has night-mares(which is often), she sings old russian lullabys to herself while drinking hot cocoa to help herself calm down. Sure, she has a beautiful voice, but God help the poor soul who comments on it.
All of the Avengers know this. Well, except Peter Parker.

One night, when her night-mares were particularaly bad, instead of returning to her room like normal, she drank her hot cocoa in the living room. Unbeknownst to her, this was also a habit of the other Spider. Everyone said Natasha had a soft spot for the teen, and she kept trying to convince herself that she didn't. Peter silently crept into the kitchen, and made his own hot cocoa. Like Natasha, hi nigh-mares were worse than normal, so he went to the living room. He heard soft singing of a russian lullaby he knew quite well. Sitting down next to Natasha, he joined in singing the calming song. Natasha didn't get angry or tell Peter to stop singing. Instead, she sang other lullabys, Peter joining in. They sang and sipped their cocoa until they both fell asleep, Peter's head on Natasha's shoulder, Natasha's head on Peter's.
" Я люблю тебя, мама паук(I love you, Mama Spider)" Peter said as he drifted off to sleep. Natasha smiled.
" Я тоже тебя люблю, мой маленький паук(I love you, too, my little Spider)." She said, also drifting off.

This became a habit for the two of them. Wake up from night-mare, make hot cocoa, sing russian lullabys with мама паук/ маленький паук until fall asleep. Every time, Clint saw them like that, he would take a picture, and add it to his 'Blackmail Natasha' folder, which she knew nothing of.
To be honest, the kid could probably kill, and so could Natasha. Clint decided to call the nightly duets by the Spiders the 'Deadly Duets'.
