Blow Us All Away

June 17 2019

Peter sat in the Anvngers kitchen at the table. He was listening to music and doing his homework. Steve walks past.
"What are you working on, Pete?" He asks, glancing at his work.
"Easy math." Peter says casually, taking out an earbud.
"Looks pretty advanced, Pete." Bruce said, walkinv into the room and also looking at the homework.
"Eh, it's not that hard." Peter mumbled, grabbing an apple. Natasha walked past him, smiling at her son. She grabbed an apple aswell.
"Hey Kiddo, wanna come train with Clint, Sam and I?" She asked him, taking a bite out of her apple. Peter jumps up and nods, leaving the work on the table.
After he left, Bruce looks closer at Peter's work. He was surprised. These were equations Tony and him struggled with sometimes. He didn't get any wrong.
"Hey FRIDAY, what's Peter's IQ?" Bruce demands.
"Last time it was checked, it was 246." FRIDAY answered.
"That kid's gonna blow us all away..." Bruce mumbled from the table.

Peter was training with Sam, Clint and Natasha. He was taking a 'break' and had set up a punching bag made to withstand Steve's strength. He was punching it hard, oblivious to the other three watching him. He knocked the bag off and it flew across the room. Sam had a look of pure shock, Clint looked slightly surprised and Natasha wore a very proud smile. They continued to train. After a few hours, Clint and Sam got tired, so theyleft. Natasha and Peter decided to spar one last time. Peter ended up pinning Natasha, winning.
"You're getting better." Natasha said, smiling at her son. Peter smiled back at his mother and hugged her.
"I‘ve gotta finish my work!" Peter said, running to change and finish his homework.

Natasha walked into the living room. The other Avengers kept glancing at Peter. After a few minutes, he left, saying he was going to start patrol early. He jumped out the windiw, waving and yelling "Bye!". The Avengers all turned to Natasha.
"Your son is gonna Blow Us All Away." The Avengers stated together. Natasha simply smiled proudly. She knew what he was capable of. Of course she did. Every day, he blew her away. He was her son, and she loved him.

A/N I was listening to Hamilton, and Blow us all Away came on, and I had this idea.
