Wings Part 2

Peter's class walked into the Avengers tower, whispering about meeting the Avengers. They also whispered about how Peter's lies would be revealed.
The Guide led them through the interns labs and some of them waved when they say Peter.
After the interns labs, the Guide led them to the Avengers museum.
"Ready for your lies to be exposed, PENIS?" Flash asked tauntingly.
Just then, Wanda and Pietro walked in, bickering. The class gasped together.
"Peter, Wanda is being stupid." Pietro told his younger brother, pushing through the class to him. Wanda crossed her arms, and huffed.
"Pietro is the stupid one!" She declared, turning up her nose. Peter and his class looked back and forth between the twins.
"What exactly are you arguing about?" Peter asked, wings fluttering in annoyance.
"Wanda thinks that if fruit could fight, a pineapple would win." Pietro stated, silver wings flying out. Peter just looked at them with a look that said 'what the f*ck?'
"It has a better chance that a grapefruit!" Wanda exclaimed, her red wings flaring out behind her.
"You two are so stupid." Peter said, facepalming. The class was expecting him to reprimand the twins. Until he spoke again.
"A watermelon would win." Everyone stared at him. Wanda and Pietro started arguing again, this time bringing their little brother into it.
After about two minutes, Peter spoke up again.
"You know Mama's rule. "Take it to the mat, or shut the f*ck up." No abilities." Peter declared, smirking. The twins raced off to the training room. Peter turned back to his class, chuckling.
"What the hell, PENIS!?" Flash screeched, glaring. Peter's black wings surrounded the spiderling protectivly. He ducked as Flash tried to punch him in the face. Peter insticktivley flipped Flash over his shoulder. Mr. Harrington started yelling at Peter.
"Protect Natasha's Son Protocall activated." Friday called out. There was a barrier put between Peter and his class. In seconds, Natasha AKA Black Widow, was by Peter's side, her own large, black wings fluttering behind her.
"Don't yell at or touch my son ever again, got it?" She asked threateningly. She and Peter then turned to the shaken guide.
"You can get another guide to lead this group if you want, Cynthia." Natasha said. The Guide simply shook her head, bid the spiders good day and continued the tour.
The class was led out and the barrier was released.
"Let's go watch the twins fight." Peter said, chuckling, as one of Natasha's wings protectively wrapped around his shoulders.

A/N Part 3?
