Property of HYDRA Pt. 2

June 12 2019

"Hey Nata- Who the hell is that?" The Avengers said. Peter stood a little bit behind Natasha, his face blank. Natsha spoke to him in russian. No one understood.(Bucky was there, but he forgot the russian language) Natasha lead the boy to the couch were they sat down. Natasha said something else in russian to the boy. He nodded and looked atvthe Avengers.
"Hello, my name is Peter Parker, but I am better known as the Winter Spider." Peter said, blank face.
"Sorry, but why are you called the Winter Spider?" Bucky asked, wanting to confirm his suspition.
"I was training to become the next Winter Soldier/Black Widow." Peter said, still blank faced.
"But why Spider? Why not call you the second Winter Soldier?" Wanda asked.
"I am a mutant. That is the reason they chose me out of hundreds." Peter said, turning to look at Wanda. He said something to her in russian. She nodded.
"What type of mutant are you? If you don't mind me asking." Bruce asked, thinkinf of the Big Guy.
"I share DNA with a spider, Dr. Banner." Peter said, shocking Natasha. As far as she knew, he knew of no one from the outside world. She handed the file overvto the Avengers.
"How do you know Bruce?" Natasha asked Peter quietly.
"They let me read books when I wasn't training. They thought I wouldn't be able to read the ones they gave me. I can understand Dr. Banner's book, though." Peter said, looking around. "Someone's coming."
Sure enough, a few seconds later, Nick Fury walked out of the elevator.
"Romanoff, have you got the files? And who might this be?" Fury asked Natasha, looking at Peter.
"Here are the files. I found him at the HYDRA base. He was being put through what I was put through. I couldn't leave him there." Natasha said, handing over the files and saying something in russian. Peter walked forward, already defensive.
"Hello Sir, my name is Peter Parker, but I am bettr known as the Winter Spider." Peter said, hesitantly holding out a hand. Fury shook it.
"Hello Parker, my name is Nick Fury. I knew you father, Richard. Good man." Fury said, trailing off. The Avengers now noticed Fury. Tony handed him the file when he asked for it. Fury read it through quickly, slightly upset about the things written, though he didn't show it. He turned to Peter.
"What are your abilities?" Fury asked, sittingvdown on the couch. Peter got up and went to the kitchen. He came back with a butcher knife, twirling it around.
"Being able to twirl a knife isn't a sign of mutantions, kid." Tony said. Peter just looked at him.
"I know that. That's not what I'm about to show you." He said. Before any one could say anything, he brought the knife down and gragged it through his arm, drawing blood. The Anvengers looked at him. Natasha sprang up.
"No! No, no, no. You can't do that!" She cried, grabbing the knife from him. He looked at their shocled faces. He didn't get it. He always got praise for not stopping, even when he had been shot 6 times and stabbed once. He took a tissue and wiped away the blood. There was barely a cut there on his arm at all.
"I have quick healing, inhanced metabolisum, can stick to anything," He listed off all his powers. Natasha saw something onbthe back of his neck. Bold and Black. It read; 'Property of HYDRA'. The Avengers asked questions.
"The file said you were being trained to be an assasin. Have you killed someone? How many?" Sam asked.
"I have assasinated 258 people by the command of others higher in status than me." He said, not seeing their shocked faces. How could a kid already have killed 258 people?
"I am 10 years old, almost 11, by the way." Peter added. Any shock. He was ten? And he had killed that many people? Wow. Peter talked more about himself, finally showing some emotion, but only when he was having a quiet conversation with Natasha in the background.
"I'm going to adopt him." Natasha said suddenly. The Avengers looked at her in shock.
"Shouldn't you ask him first?" Fury asked.
"Just did. You just couldn't understand the language." Peter said. He wasn't being sassy, he was stating facts.

A few months later, Natasha was finally the proud mom(adoptive) of Peter Parker. She was going to make sure the rest of Peter's childhood would be the best. She was already over-protective of him. The other Avengers did not expect the child to burrow a place in each of their hearts. Yet he did.

A/N Should I make this a whole other seiries? I'm probably goin to.
