
A/N This is a teaser for a chapter that will come out in a few days!
Tony walked into the Acengers living room, Peter close behind. Tony cleared his thought, causing the Avengers to look at him.
"Guys, this is Peter Parker." Tony stated, gesturing to Peter. Peter shyly waved Morgan waved back happily, causing some Avengers to laugh. "Hes gonna be living with us for a bit." The Avengers nodded, resuming their loud conversations. Peter cautiously sat down, thinking about the events of the past few weeks.
Ned moving across the country, MJ changing schools.. It was all hard to take in. To top it off, Aunt May had recently passed away after losing a battle with cancer. Peter moved back slightly, away from the noise.
Nat glanced over at him, clearly wanting to talk to him. She didnt want to make him uncomfortable, but wanted him to be included.
Natasha moved and sat behind the spider child.
"Hey Kiddo." Natasha greeted, startling Peter out of his thoughts.
"Вот дерьмо(oh sh*t)" Peter whispered, startled. Natasha raised an eyebrow.
"язык(language.)" Natasha stated, smirking. Peter stared at her, before starting to ramble happily to the spy in Russian.
A few months later, after he was completely comfortable with the team, he told them about his alter-ego. Although Natasha was worried for his safety, they took it very well.
Which was great, considering the next mission...
Peter was... well, de-aged to a five year old. The effects would be gone in a few weeks, however and Peter would be back to normal. Morgan was thrilled to have another kid her age to play with.
Let's just say, young Peter isnt nearly as polite. In fact, the first meal he ate after de-aging, he threw the food on the floor. He had kept his super strength, so the plate instantly shattered.
The team stared at the super baby, horrified.
This would be a looong few weeks.
