Field Trip Disaster Pt. 3

June 7 2019

Peter and his class sat on the floor of one of the lower Avengers living room. Flash poked Peter.
"Ready for me to prove that your internship is fake?" Flash and his goons snickered. Flash punched him and walked away with his goons. Mr. Harrington saw this, but did nothing to stop it.
'Man, what a bad teacher...' Scott thought from where he was perched on the edge of a coffee table. No one, not even Peter had noticed him. Scott flew above the class and into the room with the other Avengers. Pepper Stark came in.
"Good afternoon Midtown High! The Avengers should be out in a momment." Pepper said as she looked at her watch. Two seconds later, the Avengers walked in, none of them in costume. A few of them, like Wanda, Bucky, Sam and Scott waved. Tony was directly in front of the class.
"Hey kids, we are gonna be doing a Q'n A! I think you all know who we are, but just in case, I'm Tony Stark, A.K.A Ironman." Tony said.
"I'm Natasha, A.K.A Black Widow." Natasha said with a small wave.
All the Avengers and the other heros had introduced themselves.
"Now you can ask questions." Steve said after a few momments of the class staring at them. Immediatly, hands flew up. Bucky pointed at Cindy.
"Is Spider-man gonna be here?" She asked. The heros shook their heads. Hope pointed at one of the guys in the class.
"Is Princess Shuri smarter than Mr. Stark?" Hope and Natasha laughed.
"Probably." The two laughing woman said, much to the offence of Tony. Shuri beamed. Wanda pointed at Flash. 'Please no, please no, please no.' Peter thought.
"Does S.I. accept high school interns?"
"Nope." Clint said, popping the 'p'. Flash laughed at Peter.
"See, Parker! You were lieing! Puny Penis Parker lies for attention! See, Mr. Stark-" Flash was cut off by a very angry Мама паук.
"What the frick did you just call him?"(gotta keep it Steve approved)
"Uh, I called him Puny Penis Parker, Miss. That's his name." Flash said, slightly startled.
"You know full well his name is Peter!" Natasha said, even angrier than before, if that was possible. By now all the heros there were mad. Natasha kept her eyes on Flash.
"I don't know why you are so mad, I mean, Parker is a nobody, he is waste of space!" Flash yelled.
"Shut up, you foolish, arrogant mortal." Loki said, raising his voice for probably the first time ever.
Natasha turned to Peter.
"О мой паук Ты должен был сказать мне, что над тобой издеваются! (Oh, my baby spider! You should have told me you were being bullied!)" Natasha exclaimed, pulling out a very sharp knife.
Peter saw the knife.
" Нет! Мама Паук, Убийство несовершеннолетних незаконно! Убивать людей незаконно! Вы не можете убить Флэша, потому что он придурок.(NO! Mama Spider, killing minors is illegal! Killing people is illegal! You can't kill Flash because he is a jerk!)" Only Bucky and Natasha understood Peter, but the way Natasha and Bucky sighed, putting down their weapons was a pretty clear hint that the Avengers couldn't kill Flash. The other heros put down their weapons (or ended the magic at their fingers), sighing.
"You are lucky Peter is so kind." Wanda said.
"If he hadn't told us not to, there would probably be guts on the floor." continued Bruce, side-eyeing Flash.
"I intended to reveal this at a press conferance, but if you bully my son or his friends again, you will have a very angry, assasin mom on your trail." Natasha seethed at Flash and his goons.
"Wait- y-your son?" Andrew, one of Flash's goons asked.
"Natasha fricken' adopted Peter! Aren't you only supposed to let smart people in?" Clint asked the teacher. Morgan walked over to Flash.
"Yeah, Uncle Clint is right! You shouldn't be in that school, you are stupid! You bullied Peter! You are a stupid, idiotic boy! Bullying my cousin!" Morgan spat out. She started to walk back to her dad, but turned around swiftly, kicking Flash in a certain place. Morgan walked back to Tony, smoothing her navy blue dress.
"Ooooohhhh, Flash just got owned by a five year old!" Cindy said.
"Mx Tanner, it seems like the Q 'n A is over." Pepper said. "Peter will be staying here, Mr. Harrington. It would be useless to drive him back to school only for Happy to have to pick him up. Ned, M.J, don't come by tonight, okay?"
Ned and M.J nodded.
"Ta Ta!" The heros said together in false happy tones. As the elevator doors closed, they saw Flash's face, red with rage. They laughed about that. Morgan walked over to Peter. She streached out her arms, telling him to pick her up.
"Please?" She asked. Peter picked her up, saying,
"Anything for my favorite little cousin." The dis-functional family went into the private elevator, up to their floor. They sat in the big living room inbetween all the bedrooms(excluding Mr. and Mrs. Stark's.) Scott's daughter Cassie ran out to meet them. After a while, they finally decided on a movie; Lilo and Stich. They watched movies until everyone fell asleep, Peter inbetween Natasha and Morgan in a blanket fort with Shuri, Scott, Cassie, Hope and Clint.Tony and Pepper were on an armchair, Bucky and Steve were on an armchair, Bucky leaning against Steve. Sam, Thor, Loki and Bruce sat on the couch. Wanda and Vision in an armchair. The rest were in armchairs or on the floor.
The main thing is, the Avengers are one, big, disfuctional family, and they loved that.


I hope you like it! I am hoping for requests right now! I have enough ideas for a bit, but not for long. Also, Talyn is non-binary
