Property of HYDRA Pt. 1

June 13 2019

A/N This is heavily inspired by a one-shot by sam6sam

Natsha broke into a HYDRA base. She kicked down a door that led into a room full of files. She scanned through them, finding the one Fury wanted. She turned to run out, when something caught her eye. It was a red file with a dark red spider on the front. The name on the front was "#136093 WinterSpider" She flipped to the back of it, curious. At the back of the folder, she saw a couple photographs. The first one was a small boy about four years old. It was dated 27/08/2011 He looked terrified. In the next photograph, he looked about 7. The photo was dated 27/08/2015. He was obviously better trained at keeping his emotions in check. He was also clearly a boy forced into being a trained fighter. The last photograph  was dated 27/08/2018. He looked about ten. He was clearly ready to enter into the assasins field of work. Natasha was heart-broken. She was put through something similar, but it looked as if this kid started out when he was three or younger. She turned back to the front, and read the information on the poor boy.

Name: Peter Parker
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 27/08/2008
Date of Buy: 02/1/2011
Sold By: Mary Parker[Mother]
Parents: Mary Parker and Richard Parker.

Richard Parker[Father]
Date of birth: 30/5/1972
Date of death: 29/7/2010
Age of Death: 38
Cause of Death: Car Crash

Mary Parker[Mother]
Date of Birth: 18/11/1975
Date of Death: 16/07/2012
Age of Death: 37
Cause of Death: Suicide

There was more information, but Natasha needed to meet this kid. She checked the number and the code-name, and walked down to a door. She looked at the number on the door. #136093. She looked at the file. #136093. She knocked on the door, and cracked it open a tiny bit.
"Hello Mr. Garcia. You may come in." She heard a soft voice say. The voice sounded normal enogh, except it completely lacked emotion. Natasha slowly opened the door, keeping an eye on the boy. The boy immediatly got into a defensive stance.
"No, hey buddy. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Black Widow, but you can call me Natasha." Natahsa spoke calmly.
"No, you aren't a threat." The boy said, in the same emotionless tone. After a solid minute, the boy accepted that Natasha wasn't a threat. She lead him through the corridors, files under her arm. They got into the helicopter. The pilot didn't question anything, but flew off. Natasha asked the boy questions, starting with asking what his name is.
"My name is Peter Parker or the WinterSpider. I was being trained to become the next Black Widow/Winter Soldier. Sorry for being trained to replace you. They talked a bit more, Natasha and Peter learning that they could both speak and understand russian. Peter eventually called Natasha 'Mama Spider' in russian, resulting in Natasha calling Peter 'Baby Spider' also in russian.


Natasha lead Peter by the hand into Avengers Tower. She lead him up to the private elevator.
"Hello Miss Romanoff, there is an un-known person behind you." FRIDAY said, making Peter jump.
"No thanks FRI, he's with me." Natasha replied. She lead Peter into the room of Avengers.
"Hey Nata- Who the hell is that?"
