
"You bitch!" Natasha screamed at Thanos, sobbing over her dead son's body.
Thanos laughed evily
"Hahahhaha! You puny mortal!" Thanos laughed. "You will die aswell!"

A door appeared out of no where, and it was kicked down.
"I think the fuck not! Not your rotton flesh-smelling ass!" A voice yelled. It was Peter.

Thanos looked back to Natasha to realize that neither spider was there.

"We will end you! With the power of gay!" Peter screams, ripping off his mask.

The audience gasps.
"THATS MY BOYFRIEND!" Harley yells, appearing beside Peter.

"LET'S GO, LESBIANS!" Peter screams, charging into battle, followed by a swarm of lesbians.

Peter drop kicks Thanos, snAtching the gauntlet and snapping.

"We diagnose you with DEAD!" Natasha announces, slapping Thanos(followed by the Six Slappers Squad)

"By GAY!"

And that kids, is how Peter Romanoff murdered Thanos with the power of Gay.

Peter Romanoff is now our Gay King.


Lol, that was fun to write.
Happy April Fools Day!
Ill probably post a real chapter later today.
Love ya!
