Identity Reveal Pt. 1

June 8 2019

Peter swung around the city, asking Karen (he made Karen himself in this) to scan the city. He was out way earlier than he normally was, so he didn't expect much to happen.
"Peter, I have spotted a very big 'kerfuffle' (that's what Peter told Karen to call fights) on **** ******. You might want to get over there!" Karen said, sounding as worried as an A.I. could sound. Peter nodded, and swung over to the place. He saw some of the Avengers, fighting these angry robot dudes, as Peter decided to call them. He swung down and entered the fight, taking out two robots at a time.
"Thanks for showing up, Spidey!" Clint said, kicking a robot and then crushing it's head.
"We need to find the genorator! And fast!" Natasha shouted, taking out three robots. Peter just nodded, continuing the fight, while Karen scanned the area. Captain America threw his sheild taking out four robots. Natasha took out five.
"Peter, I have found the genorator. It's at *** ****" Karen said. Again Peter nodded, and then he swung off. The three Avengers were confused, but quickly went back to the fight. Did he just abandon them? Natasha didn't think so. She thought he went off to find the genorator. She was right. Peter swung around until he spotted the genorator. It was partly covered by a bus, which luckily was empty. Peter picked up the bus over his head and threw it at an incoming group of robots. He and Karen quickly scanned the wires. Peter ripped out a few wires just before Karen said them. All the robots stopped. Natasha smiled slightly at Clint and Steve's shocked faces.
"He shut down the genorator! C'mon." Natasha said, running to an abandon bus. She checked behind it, where she saw Spider-man.
"Hey, Spider-man! Thanks for that." Clint said as he ran over.
"You're welcome!" Spider-man said nervously. Natasha reconized his voice.
"Can you atleast tell us your name?" Steve asked. They had tried to get him to take off his mask before, but he just swung away.
"No, thank you, I think you can figure it out yourselves!" Spider-man said turning to walk away. Then it hit Natasha. It was Stark's personal intern, Peter Parker. He was fifteen!
"Ты Питер Паркер?(are you Peter Parker?)" Natasha asked,tilting her head. Spider-man froze.
" Хорошо, ты поймал меня Пожалуйста, не говорите другим!(Alright, you caught me. Please, don't tell the others!)" Spider-man said turning around. Neither Clint nor Steve understood what was said, but it clicked soon after for Clint.
"Wait your-" Clint was cut off by Natasha clapping her hand over his mouth.
"He doesn't want the others to know." Natasha hissed into Clint's ear.
"Bye, Spider-man, we'll see you around?" She asked.
"Yup, bye!" Spider-man called, swinging away.
