Yokai ga Kirai da

Note: Yokai is like a demon

My name is Yamada Ryosuke and I'm a Yokai or half Yokai. My dad was a powerful Yokai and well my mom fell for him and let's not talk about the rest. Anyway I live a normal life it's just that no matter what you do I'm immortal and can't die. I live in a town covered in Yokai and a secret association hunts them down while there heirs watch over me during school. This association has different powers to kill the Yokai and then take it down to a peaceful Yokai to have it examined and sold for money. The only time I go dangerous is when I'm weak and the Yokai part of me takes over and my friend has to put me in a cage until I return back to my senses.

For a few days this girl Tachibana Yuki has been hunting me down and trying to kill me saying it's all she's worth for. It's not that she wants to its that she want to protect the world. In fact she joined the book club to watch over me with my two friends. Only the other day when I lost it she...sacrificed herself to protect me and now she is battling the Yokai part of me in order for it to return to me and not destroy the world. Her power is extremely concentrated acid blood that melt anything organic, she can control it and harden it. So, when she left in order to save my life and the world she stabbed me causing it to flee into another dimension, leaving her blood in me. The blood being in me have me a vision of her saying over and over again "I love you. I love you" and then she kissed me and left. I waned to tell her I loved her so I've been searching for her and I found her and I'm going to help her battle myself.

"Yuki-chan!" I shouted to get her attention.

"Yamada senpai?! You aren't supposed to be here please leave before you die because you aren't immortal without this thing inside you." She shouted.

"I know how to call it back." I said.

"How?" She asked.

"I talked to the Yokai sorceress and she said that all we had to do was stab it in its weak spot which is...me."

"No no no. I'm not doing that again. It caused me enough pain the first time! I kept seeming your kind face in that demon's face and it hurt so much. I'm not doing it a-"

"Too late." I said as I grabbed her sword and stabbed myself.

"N-n-no NO!!" She screamed.

"It's fine he's returning to me. I'll be fine." I said reassuring her.

"I still stabbed you." She said.

"It's okay. Now we are I the safe part of this dimension." I said.

"Y-yea." She said worried. "Yamada senpai?" She called.


"Can you do me a favor?"

"Yea what is it?"

"Can you come here and hold out your hand?"

"Sure. Here."

"Pat my head like this." She said moving my hand around.

"Is that better? Huh?! Yuki-chan your fading away!! Why?! Ikanaide ikanaide!" I screamed.

"I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy!!" She kept saying.

"But why?"

"This dimension is fading away and since my life ended long ago I will fade with it." She said with tears running down her face.

"No!! NO!"

"I'm so happy to have met you and have fallen in love with you. I love you Ryo-chan. Thank you! Thank you!" She said.

"NO! STOP IT!! STOP. STAY!!" I shouted trying to grab her but...she was gone.

I love you! She whispered as I was standing by her grave.

"I love you too! I miss you so much!"

"Don't cry. I'm right here" she said as her spirit hugged me and faded away again.

Boku wa yokai ga kirai da. HONTOU ni! (I really hate Yokai) It's what caused all of this! All because I had to be part demon!

But that's what gave me happiness and you happiness even for a little bit right? I heard her say and then she faded away for the last time as I cried every single tear I had in my body.

A/N: Okay well I was inspired by Kyokai no Kanata (beyond the boundary) to make this. A lot is similar but a lot is different. Anyway thank you for reading and please feel free to comment. Bye bye~~

(Watch that video it explains it better)
