
My name is Yaotome Hikaru and my best friend just got a boyfriend. It's very hard to say Congratulations because I love her too. Always have always will. One of these days I'll say "Congrats Aiko-chan." I hope that day will come soon.

"Hey Aiko-chan are you free today? I need some help picking out furniture for my apartment." I asked.

"I'm sorry hika I'm going out with Ryohei." She replied.

"Okay have fun." I said and hung up.

Why was I too slow? I've loved her for years but I've been such a coward I could never tell her. I guess it was because I loved the current relationship so much I didn't want it to change. I guess I'll never get to tell her.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hikaru can I come over please?" She asked sounding like she was in tears.

"Sure but what's wrong?" I asked.

"I'll tell you when I get there."

"Okay." I said and hung up.

I was worried that something happened. I was worried that she had her heart broken. I was worried about her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He asked me to marry him." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep. I'm so happy!" She shouted and jumped into my arms.

"C-congratulations..." I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Why are you crying?"

"No reason..." I answered.

"There is a reason. Tell me."

"It'll make it harder for you to be happy if I tell you."

"I don't care just tell me. Please."

"I've loved you for the longest time but I've never been able to tell you." I explained.

"What didn't you tell me sooner?" She asked. "You know that I loved you too once."

"You did?"

"Yea but it's too late now. I'm sorry...I'm sorry I can't be with you now." She said and shut the door.

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything." I said.

"Hey! Your rent is due!" I heard from the owners daughter on the other side of the door. "Hey are you okay?" She asked.


"You're crying. What's wrong?" She asked again.

"I just had my heart shattered."

"I've been there before. I'm Ichinose Hina if you ever need anything come talk to me." She said and walked out to give me some space.

A few weeks passed and I became very good friends with her. I even began to develop feelings for her. She was so kind to me and really helped me out of the hole I was in. I told her how I felt so that I wouldn't repeat the same mistake I did with Aiko.

"Ichinose I'm in love with you." I said.

"Me too." She said and grabbed my hand.

"I'm happy truly I am. Thank you for helping me and for accepting my feelings." I said.

"Hika!!" I heard from behind me. "Who's she?" Aiko asked.

"My girlfriend." I answered.

"Really?" She asked.


"I broke up with that guy so that I could date you and this is what I get in return?" She asked.

"Sorry but you're too late. I loved you once and now I love someone else." I explained and walked away.

She never even said Congratulations like I did for her. It didn't matter to me because I was happy with the one that I love and who loves me back.

A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K READS!! I can't thank you all enough for reading the stories I write. Thank you and please put requests if you want bye bye~~
