Keito at my track meet?

My name is Hina and I am a track star for my school. I am also a fan of Hey! Say! JUMP since well my best friend for 10 years, Haruna, introduced me to them. When she asks me who I like I always say Okamoto Keito because he is very cool to me and he's the only one who could understand me. Since I know no Japanese. Anyway, today I have a track meet and somehow all of Hey! Say! JUMP was there. Including Keito.

I was very excited to see him there. My friend Haruna was there as well and she was happy to see the one she liked, Dai-chan. No matter what Keito was cheering for me the whole time. It made me very happy and nervous at the same time.

Once I finished the 800 I was upset since I got second place and the girl who got first was all up in my face since she beat a track star. I mean I didn't over react at first but I felt like crying after she sa tarted to make fun of me and the entire track team.

Thankfully before any punches were thrown Keito pulled me back into a hugs and whispered into my ear "it's okay. I think you did great, okay. Just ignore her." My heart was beating 200 miles an hour and my face was more red than a tomato could ever be. In order to calm me down he began to sing candle into my ear. Candle was always my favorite song to listen to. Especially when his solo came.

Once I finished the 4x4 I was done and could go home. Overall I did pretty well. It turned out that the girl who beat me was actually better than me so I just told myself that my goal was to be better than her so that next time I will beat her.

Afterwards we all went to eat and Keito confessed to me. I of course accepted his feeling and he pulled me back into a hug again and began to sing candle again. I could hear all the other members I the back saying "oh they are so cute!" "That's my Keito." "Life goals". I can pretty much say that, that was the best track meet ever. I don't think I've ever had a bigger award than him and in every will.

A/N: This story was based on my best friend's story she wrote. She doesn't have a Wattpad so she asked me to write it for her. Anyway thanks for reading. Bye bye~~
