Yakusoku (promise)

My name is Yaotome Hikaru and I made a promise when I was 5 to this girl that I lived with for a year.


"Hikaru-kun do you really have to leave?" She asked.

"Yes but let's make a promise first." I said.

"What promise?"

"When you turn 19 I will marry you no matter what." I said holding out my pinky.

"Okay." She said and held out her pinky.

"I'm going to miss you."

"Me too."

It is now time for me to fulfill that promise. I had my dad call his friend, her dad, to see what school she was going to. She was going to Meiji University to study medicine. I was so happy that after 14 years I can finally see her again.

"Hina-chan!" I called out to her.

"Who are you and why are you using my first name?" She said creeped out.

"Huh..?" I said shocked at how she didn't remember me.

"Inoo do you know who this guy is?" She asked a guy behind her.

"You don't remember me or our promise?" I asked.

"What promise and who are you?" She asked.

"Nevermind..." I said and walked off. "Oh and by the way my name is Yaotome Hikaru."

I can't believe this. I waited 14 years to see her again and she doesn't even remember me or our promise.

Ichinose Hina's POV
Who was that guy? Oh well he's gone now. He actually did look familiar and his name sounded familiar too.

"Inoo his name sounds so familiar." I said.

"Maybe your dad knows him. I mean your dad knows everyone. Try to call him and ask." He said.

"Okay." I said as I dialed my dads number.

"Hello?" My dad answered.

"Hey dad does a Yaotome Hikaru sound familiar to you?" I asked.

"You mean you don't remember him?" My dad asked.

"No." I replied.

"You two made a promise when you were both 5. Ask him about it." He said.

"Okay." I said and hung up. "Hey Inoo I'm going to head home early. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay bye." He said and walked off.

When I got home, it was 10:00 pm. I stopped to by some groceries and studied at the library for a while. Then I heard a mock at the door.

"Hello?" I asked as I saw Hikaru.

"Why didn't you believe me? You should have believe me." He said clearly drunk.

"Why are you drunk?" I asked.

"Because you don't remember me."

"I want to ask you about the promise we apparently made when we were little."

"We promised that when you turned 19, I would marry you. Stupid huh?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I love you." He said and then kissed me.

"You're drunk. You don't actually love me." I said. "I'll drive you home." I said as I lifted him and helped him to my car.

On the way to his house, he looked like he had just lost everything. I felt very sad but there was nothing I could do. I didn't remember that promise.

"I also gave you a necklace with an angel on it to seal the promise." He mumbled.

"That's what that was?" I whispered as I remembered finding a necklace in a jewelry box.

I just shook off that thought ant dropped him off to his house. I just dismissed everything and went home. When I walked into my room, I pulled that necklace out and there was a message written on the back. Hina and Hikaru together forever. I then remembered the promise and rushed to his house.

"Hikaru! I'm sorry I didn't remember!" I shouted right when he opened the door.

"Thank y-" He said and then fainted.

"Are you okay? Oh dear." I said as I lifted him onto the couch. "You have a high fever. Let me go get some me-"

"Don't leave please. I just got you back. I'm okay." He said as he grabbed me.

"Okay." I said as I went back to his side.

"I really do love you. Drunk or not drunk I'll still love you." He said.

"I love you too. I'm sorry that I didn't remember you."

"It's okay. What matters now is that we are together after 14 years."

"Are you really going to marry me?" I asked.

"That's what I promised right?"

"Yes but what if I changed?"

"You haven't. You're still just as beautiful and kind as when I left." He said.

"Thank you."

"Are you falling asleep?" He asked as my head was drooping.

"Yea..." I said and fell asleep on his stomach.

"Good night." I heard.

When I woke up, I was in his bed and laying on his arm. He had his arms wrapped around me so I couldn't move. I also didn't want to wake him up.

"I Ichinose Hina promise to love this man next me until the day I die." I whispered as I saw Hikaru smile and hug me tighter.

A/N: Let me know if you Have any requests for members because I don't want to do too many of one member. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
