In love with a college tutor

My name is Ayase Nanami and I am studying abroad for college. I wanted to take courses for architecture but it turned out that I was failing the class.

"Ayase-San?" My professor asked pointing to me.


"It seems that you are failing my class." He began.

"Yes...I'm very sorry." It turned out that my professor was one of the kindest at the college I was going to. He cared very much for his students so he did all he could for them.

"Once I saw your grades I thought about giving you a tutor. Inoo kei. He is at the top of the class and he agreed to tutor you." He said handing me a folder.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"He's in the library waiting for you." He said.

"Thank you so much!" I said hugging him. Then I ran off to the library to meet my new tutor.

"Oh you're here?" My tutor said.

"Uh yes. My name is Ayase Nanami yoroshiku onagai shimasu (nice to meet you/a greeting when you first meet someone)" I said bowing.

" name is Inoo Kei. Yoroshiku onagai shimasu."

"Thank you for helping me." I said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad to help. Besides it helps me learn when I go over it an teach someone."

"Do I need to pay you?" I asked.

"No, no need. I don't want to be paid. I'm simply doing this out of kindness and because the professor asked me." He said.

"Oh okay. Well I don't get how to do what we went over in class today." I said pointing to my notes.

"Oh yea. That's hard to do. It took me a while to figure it out." He said.

We ended up spending the whole afternoon there. In fact, the only reason we left was because the library was closing. It turned out that he was a very good teacher and since he couldn't finish teaching me he gave me his skype account and some notes and told me to call him if I had questions.

Today was a review for the test tomorrow. It turned out that I actually knew everything he went over. I even looked at Inoo across the room and mouthed a thank you to him. Then he went back to studying...

I saw a slight smile on his face which made me smile too. We had tutoring that day too because of the test. He taught me again for a very long time but this time the library closed late so we ended going to a ramen shop together.

"Thanks again Inoo." I said.

"No problem Na-chan." He said.

"You are using my first name?" I said surprised.

"You can use mine. Is it okay if I call you na-chan?" He asked.

"No it's fine...kei." I said.

"See there you go." He said tapping my nose.

"Thank you." I said under my breath.

Today was the day of the test. Once I got the test I immediately knew all of the answers. I was also the second to turn in my paper. I was usually the last one and had my whole test blank. It all thanks to him. I guess I'll have to thank him later.

Inoo's POV
Wow she turned her test in before me. I saw her smiling too. I thought about how we had fun together but then it hit me. "What if she doesn't need you anymore". That thought came and almost made me cry. It stunned me, it made me sad, but then I saw her wave to me and it tossed that fear away.

Ayase Nanami's POV
Today I'm going to brag about how I turned my test in before him and tell him how I know I got everything right.

"Kei I think I got a hundred." I said.

"Nice!" He said in English while giving me a thumbs up.

"I didn't know you could speak English." I said.

"I can't. I just know a few words." He said.

"Well I came from America and English is my native language so when you tutor me I can teach you English. Deal?" I said putting out my hand for it to be shaken.

"So you aren't going to leave me?" He asked.

"No of course not. You're my friend and besides just one high grade won't bring up my F. Sorry but I think you are going to be stuck with me for the rest of your college career." I said.

"That's a relief." He said with a sigh.

"I can't thank you enough. You know that right?" I said as we were swinging on swings staring up at the start sky.

"May I ask you something?" He asked me.

"Yes of course." I said.

"U-uh...w-will y-you b-be my g-g-girlfriend" he said stuttering.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yep." He said.

"Well then I'll be your girlfriend."

"Thank you." He said and then hugged me. He ended up hugging me so tight I ended up falling out of the swing but kei said it was an "accident". Then he kissed me and well let's just say we stayed together until we graduated.

A/N: I saw those pictures and that Inoo went to college and I thought about making this. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any feed back or ideas bye bye~~
