I Need U

"Daiki!" I heard as I collapsed on the side of a road.

"Haru-chan..." I whispered weakly.

"I'm sorry I was wrong please don't leave me!" Were the last words I heard before I fell asleep.


"Why don't you ever call me?" My girlfriend asked as she sat on the couch.

"Huh..?" I asked.

"If you don't want to talk to me you don't have to you know. You can just break up with me."

"But I don't want to."

"Then why don't you act like it!" She shouted and threw a pillow at me.

"I've just been really b-"

"Busy my but. I'm leaving." She said and slammed the door.

While I was asleep that night the scenario kept playing in my mind. It made me so sad that I began to take pills. Too many. I went out for a walk and I collapsed on the side of the road. No I don't know what will happen...

"Don't leave me please..." I heard in the back of my head.

"Huh..." I whispered back.

"I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry I caused you to do this." My girlfriend said.

"It wasn't your fault it was mine." I Tried to say but nothing came out.

"Are you there? If so please squeeze my hand." She said and grabbed my hand.

"Okay..." I said and tried to squeeze my hand.

"You're there so can you hear me?"

I squeezed my hand again. "I love you. I shouldn't have blamed you. I should've accepted that you were busy. I should've tried to talk to you." She said beginning to cry.

"Don't say that...it was me..." I was finally able to say.

"Daiki!" She shouted and hugged me.

"I'm sorry Haru. I will cherish you more from now on. I will always make time for you no matter what. I promise." I said while hugging her.

"Thank you for living. Thank you for coming back."

There weren't any side effects or over dosing thankfully. I was able to go back to my regular life except this time with my girlfriend.

The first day of my return to work went smoothly. It wasn't too busy so I was able to go home earlier then usual. When I got home I found a shocking sight...

"Haru are you okay?!" I shouted as I saw her on the ground.

"..." There was no answer.

"Answer me please!" I shouted.

"What's wrong..." She said waking up confused.

"Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine. I just fell asleep." She said. "Oh my goodness were you worried."

"Of course I was. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"You're home early."

"Yep they let me go early since they said that I should rest for now."

"Wait do you mean you have a break?!" She exclaimed.

"We all do. Since Yamada went to Italy we all have a month break. We don't have to do any tv shows or anything. I'm all yours for a month...wait for you whole life." I said and pulled out a box.

"Wait oh my goodness..." She whispered.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes, I will!"

A/N: I'm dying while writing this btw. Comment on this if you are too.

"Haruna I Need U." I said.

"I Need U too." She said and kissed me.

A/N: I've been trying to make a fan fiction for this song by BTS for a while now. I just couldn't think of anything since I prefer happy endings unlike this song which has a very sad meaning.

~Ignore this if you aren't a BTS fan~

So in this series of music videos, I Need U, Run, Young Forever, and Prologue, Jin is dead due to a breakup. He overdosed on pills causing all of the guys except for jungkook and rap monster into depression and suicidal thoughts and actions. Suga wants to burn himself to death, jimin want to drown, V is trying to keep it all in, and jhope also wants to over dose. Due to V keeping it all in, he kills his father, while he was beating his mother, with a bottle. This causes V to want to kill himself as well. In prologue you see Jin taking pictures from the distance of his friends clarifying that he cannot interact with them but he can still watch them. You can also see this when he takes out the photo him, rap mon, and jhope (I think) took together because you can only see Jin in the photo. In run the boys are taking out all of their anger on society by vandalizing. In young forever you see the boys going through a maze. This most likely means that they are trying to accept their actions and jin's death and move on. V takes the longest because his actions had the biggest penalty. Thankfully none of the boys succeed in their attempted suicides.

I'm sorry but I just felt like saying all of this because I really thought that it was interesting.

You can watch the I Need U MV above BTW. 
