The Man I Met In a Park

My name is Ichinose Hina. My job is to sell ice cream at a stand at the local park. My job is very time consuming and college is expensive so I don't really get around much and I don't have a choice to work this job or not. I don't mind it, but I would like to get around more. I mean I am 22.

"Yabe (crap)! I dropped it!" I shouted at myself since I dropped an ice cream cone.

"Do you need help?" This guy came and asked me.

"No I got it. Thank you though."

"You're quite beautiful." He said in a whisper hoping I wouldn't hear him.


"Oh nothing." He said blushing.

"Ahhh!" I shouted as I was bumped into and fell into the stranger's arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine. I might need a new shirt. I fell in the ice cream."

"I'll take you to the convenience store and buy you a shirt."

"You don't have to."

"Allow me to. I'm Chinen Yuri by the way."

"Oh I'm Ichinose Hina. Nice to meet you Chinen-kun."

"You can call me Yuri and nice to meet you too Hina-chan."

"We just met."

"Well we are going to be together 24/7 now because I'm working as your partner at the ice cream stand."


"Yep. I thought I'd come visit you today. I'm sorry if I creeped you out."

"It's okay. I'm sorry I was rude."

"It's alright. You know you are very beautiful." He said this time out loud.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yep. I'm sorry. I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't like me saying that huh?"

"I...don't have one."

"Really?! Well I guess I'm lucky I met you then."


"Well because you are beautiful and single."

"Okay...are you asking me out or just hitting on me?"

"Which one do you prefer?"

" don't look too bad yourself."

"Go on a date with me please?" He said getting up and bowing.


"Alright here's my number and meet me at the train station tomorrow at 4:00." He said and walked off.

"Okay." I said and waved goodbye.

I can't believe I have a date with such a cute guy. He's pretty small but I'm smaller. He reminds me of a Friend I once had when I was younger. One that had a crush on me. Is that why he was so confident? Because he knew me? Oh well I guess I'll find out.

----The date the next day----

"Where are you? You'd think he'd be early?" I said talking to myself but then I saw a gigantic teddy bear.

"Do you need any help?" The bear asked.

"I'm looking for my date. Do you know where he is?" I asked.

"Well I can take you to him." The bear said.

"Alright thank you." I said as the bear grabbed my hand. I really love bears but no one else knew that except way.

"Well we are here." The bear said standing in front of an apartment complex.

"Why here?" I asked confused.

"You'll see." He answered.

"Okay." I said with him still having my hand.

He took me up to the top floor and stranded in front of one of the penthouses. It was a very nice one too. It had a waterfall, a view of the city, and a very nice meal on the table.

"Well here you go." He said.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He's right here." He said and took of the mask.


"Yep that's me. I have something to apologize for, I'm sorry I left you. I was your only friend and I just left without a care in the world. I want to make it up to you, so I met you in this bear costume hoping to bring a smile to your face. The smile that I fell in love with, and then left. I'm so sorry!" He shouted and bowed to me.

"It's okay. I forgive you." I said lifting his head.

"Thank you. Well, we can't let that food get cold now can we? I made it all myself."

"I remember that you used to share your lunch with me. Did you make those lunches because they were so good."

"Yep. I forgot about that. Well enjoy."


"You sure are hungry."

"Oh...I'm sorry. I'm not exactly the slowest eater on the planet."

"Really?! I thought I was the only one!"

"Wait you too!?"

"Yep. I think it was because I was always rushed to eat my lunch in preschool."

"Me too. I'm sorry I don't eat like a lady should."

"It's good. I actually find it kind of cute. Tone honest."

"Well...thank you."

"You're welcome." He said with a smile that made the scenery around him sparkle like in an anime.

"This is so good!" I shouted with my eyes getting big.

"You're seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen."

"You are too you know."

"I am?"

"Yep. You may be 22 but you remind me of a kid. A very cute kid."

"Is that bad..?"

"Of course not! I'm complimenting you."

"Thank you. So, would you like to do this again with me?" He asked.

"Sure." I answered. "Only if you have the bear suit again."

"Deal!" He said as he picked my small body up and began to spin me around.

"Your fur is so soft!" I shouted as he pulled me into a huge hug. He was still wearing the suit.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said as I kissed him.

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated much but for the next two weeks or so, I'm not going to updating pretty much at all. It's finals week next week and I'm getting a bunch of study guides. I will definitely try to update but there isn't a very big chance of me updating. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
