Survivors of an Earthquake

My name is Akashi Haruna and I'm a doctor. I'm currently volunteering at an African medical camp, because the hospital told me to. This isn't the first time I've been to this part of Africa though. My parents are missionaries, so we stayed here for about a year or so, and I remember that when I left I cried for days. I also remember a childhood friend, but I can't remember his name. It would be so cool if I met him here!

"Hey we need help over here!" One of my colleagues shouted.

"I'm coming." I answered.

When I walked over there, the ground began to shake. I fell into a whole with the patient who was waiting for me to treat him. Good thing I had my med kit with me or I think we would've died.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I think so. I just went to give blood." He answered.

"Does this hurt?" I asked him as I squeezed his ankle.

"Ahh...iteeeee..." He whispered.

"You fractured you ankle."

"You look familiar."

"I do? Wait you do too." I said as I began to get closer to his face.

"Haru..." He whispered.

"How do you know me?" I asked confused.

"When you came here with your parents we played together. We even made a promise. I promised that when you returned that I would never leave your side." He answered.

"Daiki..." I whispered remembering the promise and him.

"Yep th- What's that?" He asked as the ground began to shake from the aftershock.

"Ahhhh!!!" I shouted as I was being crushed by a cement block.

"Oh man are you okay?" He asked.

"Other than the fact that I'm being crushed by this, yea I'm PERFECTLY FINE!!" I shouted.

"Okay, I'm going to call for help." He said grabbing a rock.

"It won't work. We're too far down and there's no way to enter in here." I said beginning to cry.

"C'mon trust me. You always did when we were kids. Do you think you can set my ankle so I can walk around?" He asked me.

"It will be VERY painful."

"It's better than seeing you cry."

"Alright here I go..." I said as I set his fracture.

"ITAIIIII!!!" He shouted.

"Alright you should be able to walk now."

"Okay, I'm going to get us out of here." He said.

"'s getting hard for me to breathe..." I said panting.

"Stop it! Don't pass out on me!!"

"I'm sorry but I can't breathe and you c-" I was cut off by him lifting the block off of me.

"Move now!!!" He shouted and I moved as quickly as I could.

"How'd you do that?"

"I love you. That's why I was able to lift it because you were underneath it."

"Half of my body is crushed. I can't move, but if I could I would give you the biggest hug."

"You can when you get out of here and get better."

"Okay, wait I see a light."

"I'll go towards it." He said but he ended up pulling a beam that fell on a gas pipe causing it to leak.

"There's a gas leak and no airways. We'll suffocate!" I shouted.

"No we won't! We can't! I haven't married you yet!"

"Stop it's no use. I'd rather marry you here just to make sure that we can." I said.

"Don't say that."

"You know it's true. No ones coming and we can't crawl out of make noise."

"Well we are married and I promise to love you and cherish you until death do us part."

"Me too." I said and tried to kiss him.

"What's wrong? Stay with me."

"My lung's collapsing accelerating my suffocation. I'll die in a few minutes. I love you okay."

"No!! I just got you back!!"

"I'm sorry..." I said and closed my eyes.

Daiki's POV
When we got out, Haruna had to go through an emergency surgery. She made it but just barely. She had to stay in the hospital for a few months and the week after she got out, we got married for real. It was truly the happiest day of our lives, then...

"You have 2 perfectly healthy baby girls." The doctor told us.

"I don't feel so well..." She said and then passed out.

"She's lost a lot of blood we need to give her AB or she'll die." The doctors shouted.

"I'm type AB." I said.

"Sit down and give me your arm." The nurse said.

It was probably the longest 3 hours of my life. I saw my wife next to me in critical condition as my blood was flowing into her. I guess I'll have to make a joke about this saying that we made a blood pact to stay together forever and that she owes me for saving her life.

"You're wife is awake." The doctor said waking me up from my slumber.

"You're okay!" I shouted and then immediately hugged her.

"Yes I'm fine. Where are they and what will their names be?" She asked me.

"Hmmm how about Sakura and Ai." I said.

"I love those names..." She said with the biggest smile as she stared at our two newborns.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We were truly the happiest people in the world then and still are. We are deeply in love and protect one another. I guess good things can come out of an earthquake.

A/N: I FINISHED THE YEAR WITH A 3.71 GPA!!! °˖✧◝(⁰⁰)◜✧˖° I'm done with school so I'll be updating more now. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
