
MiyashinoAyami requested this! I hope you like it!

I still remember it like it was yesterday. The day we met. Although it wasn't the most glamorous of meetings, I won't ever forget it.

"Ayami-san, your patient has arrived." I heard my assistant say.

My first patient. Let's not let that 6 years of med school go to waste. "I can do this!" I said to myself.

"Chart?" I ask the nurse. I read the chart and my patient has cancer in his kidney. I'm supposed to help him through chemotherapy. "Takaki Yuya..." I say to myself and look over to my patient.

"What?" He said aggravated.

"You are going to start treatment soon, and by soon I mean tomorrow. Come in at 7 and we'll have the beginning of your first round begin." I said.

"If I'm not dead yet, I'm about to be..." he said under his breath.

"Not if I can't do anything about it." I said back.

See, not the best encounter. Long story short, things went by alright...for about a year. During that year...he and I...we...we dated. He fell in love with me during the darkest part in his life. When I asked him why he explained that I was all he had then. When everything was dark, I was his light.

When his cancer returned all we could do was wait for a transplant that would never come.

"Before I die will you do one thing for me?" He asked.

"Anything..." I reply with a tear rolling down my eye.

"Let's break up..." He said.

"Wh-why?" I asked.

"I don't want you to cry when I'm gone. I thought it would be easier if I broke your heart when I was alive then dead." He explained.

"That makes no sense! You'll be alone! I'm not leaving!" I said. "Never!"

"It would be easier-"

"Love isn't easy." I cut him off. "I'm goi to spend every last second with you. No matter what. Besides you can still be what you want to. What you said you were when I met you. You said you want to be a doctor like me right?"

"Yes but I'm going to-"

"No you aren't. Not if I can help it." I walked out.

I went out to find any kidney I could. I wasn't going to spare any cost. I would be broke if I had to. I didn't care. Then I saw his name on that list. Not long after we got a call. The call.

"You're going to be okay!" I ran in.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You have a donor! You have a donor!" I shouted while crying.

"Who's is it?" He asked. "I want to know who's life had to be taken so I could live."

"I'm sorry but..." I paused. "Your sister passed away in a car accident."

" This can't be-" he sobbed.

"It's okay." I said.

I said I'd do anything...remember.

A/N: I tried to make it as sad as possible but I haven't really been up to date on these boys. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it! Bye bye~~
