I was here

My name is Akashi Haruna and I am running as fast as I can to the hospital. It's already all over the news "Arioka Daiki collapses due to brain tumor". Those are words that no one wants hear about their best friend and crush.

"I'm here! I'm here!" I shouted as I shoved my way through the cross of my second family.

"Haru-chan?" He mumbled.

"I'm here!" I kept saying. "Stay with me please don't leave."

"When I take my last breath there's a letter for you. It's at the place we first met." He said.

"Wait don't say that. You'll live! No!" I kept shouting. "I love you..."

"As do I..." Were his last words before the sound rang through my ears. The sound that says someone has died.

I cried for so long and then I remembered that he said there was a letter for me where we first met. We first met...


"Leave her alone!" I heard someone say as I cried at the play ground.

"What are you going to do about it?" The kids said while throwing around my favorite teddy bear.

"Stop it!" He shouted and grabbed my bear. "Here you go." He said and gave me my bear.

"Thank you." I said.

Flashback end~

That park is run down now but it still has the remnants of our memories. I began to walk around and I found something under the slide. It was a box and inside was a piece of paper. That paper read:

Dear Akashi Haruna,

If you're reading this then I'm no longer on this earth. I just want to let you know that I have no regrets. I've done everything I wanted I spent more than enough time with you. Ive given people happiness and I've given you happiness. I've had the best life and I want you to move on. Don't stay stuck on me. You are the proof that I was here I lived I loved, I did I've done. I was here...

I love you. Sincerely,
Arioka Daiki

I wanted to cry but instead I smiled. I smiled that he didn't have any regrets. He died happy so why should be sad. I already mourned for him so I should be happy that he is no longer in pain and left happily.

He was here.

A/N: I'm sorry this was so short but I heard this song and immediately started brain storming. Anyway thanks for reading bye bye~~

Song: Beyoncé - I Was Here
