The stubborn student

My name is Akashi Haruna and I am one of the top students at my school. I have always helped people with their homework because I was smart and they didn't feel like doing it themselves. If they were willing to do it I would tutor them but, if not then I would not tutor them. The people usually listen to this rule, but there is this one student who won't comply, Yamada Ryosuke. I always tell him that I won't tutor him, but he won't listen. This is what happened yesterday that finally made me tutor him...

"Akashi-san!" I heard from behind me.

"I'm not going to do your homework for you!" I shouted at him.

"I will do it myself, I just really need you to walk me through it."

"Just because you are the most popular with the girls doesn't mean that you are with me." I said and started to walk away.

"You don't have to like me. I just need help on this one section of my math homework." He said and pulled out his paper.

"Fine, but I have Volleyball practice in an hour so I'm leaving at that time." I said as I grabbed his homework.

"I don't understand any of this, but I want you to walk me through one problem and then I'll do the next."

"Alright. This is simplifying square roots we learned this freshman year."

"I was a bad student then but I've changed."

"Alright well you have to factor the middle. For example you can't have the square root of 6 but you can factor it to be 4•2 and 4 is a square so you put the 2 on the outside and then leave the other two on the inside. It's still the same answer it's just the best answer. Do you get it?" I asked.

"Yes. Did I do it right?" He asked as he showed it to me.

"You did. Now what else do you need help with?" I asked.

"Just this problem."

We ended up sitting there for hours and I skipped volleyball. I guess I was just misjudging him the whole time. When we finally finished, I told him to meet me in the same spot tomorrow so that I could tutor him again.

The next day I got to school and well everybody was staring at me as if I had done something horrible. They kept whispering about how I was dating Yamada and the girls weren't too happy about it. When I went to my locker to get my lunch money, it was gone. I was poor and that was all I had for the next week. That meant that I couldn't eat for the next week at all. I live by myself and my parents don't care about me. That's why I'm poor. I dropped to the ground and started to cry in panic. I was so stressed already with finals coming up and then I felt someone grab my hand and take me outside...

"What happened?" A familiar voice asked.

"The girls took my money for the week. In other words I have NO money at all." I said.

"Yea you do." He said and then put a key in my hand.

"What's this?" I asked.

"You're coming to live with me, Temporarily. Just until you get paid again."

"Why are you doing this for me? I don't have any friends. Nobody likes me so why?"

"Because you are kind to a person like me who was selfish. I'm not selfish anymore because you taught me that I need to work to get."

"But still no-" I was cut off by a kiss.

"Also I like you."

"Huh...?" I asked in a daze trying to take in what happened.

"I love you and I love every single moment with you. I don't care about what all the others say about me or about you. I love you so much." He said and hugged me tightly.

"Me too..." I said and began to cry.

A/N: This is the last you'll get for the next week. I'll still be checking for notifications but I won't be writing anything. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
