Life alone

My name is Arioka Daiki and I'm half monster. I'm not alone in my kind. The only thing that deciphers us from other humans is the fact that I can't eat human food, I can only eat human. I was born this way, I wasn't an experiment. People...or monsters like us have been around since the beginning of time. Some call us murderers, but we are just killing for food, it's not our fault we can only have human, coffee, and water. If we are murderers than what does that make human kind? I don't care...I'll just spend the rest of my life alone, but right now I'm starving. I haven't eaten in days.

"Hmmmm..." I heard someone humming.

"Food..." I whispered to myself.

"Oh hello. Do you need something?" She asked.

"Huh...? You aren't scared?" I asked.

"No...not really. I mean it's not like my life would be wasted if you ate me."

"...really?" I said stunned at her reaction and by how beautiful she was...I couldn't eat her.

"If you want something to eat, there is a place down the road where people commit suicide. I suggest you eat those who are dead, then kill." I said.

"Thank you." I said beginning to cry.

"I'm Haruna Akashi by the way. If you need anything I live right over here, and I'm not afraid of you. I don't have anyone else in this world." She said beginning to cry as well.

"What happened?"

"My entire family was in a car wreck today. To be honest, I think you just saved my life. So, if you want you are free to take mine anytime."

"I won't. Not with my own will."

"Okay." She said and walked into her home.

I went to the place she said to go to, and I ate. To be honest, my conscience felt much better eating this way. If you're wondering how she knew I was one of "them" it's because my eyes change when I'm hungry. Anyway, I'm so thankful to her.

"Maybe I should go visit her. I ate yesterday, so it's safe to." I said walking to her house. "Hello?" I said knocking on the door.

"..." There was no answer.

"It's ar-" the door opened. "Oh my gosh!" I shouted as I saw her about to be eaten by the strongest of our kind.

"Well look who it is, Arioka Daiki, the second best. Only to me of course." He said.

"That was a long time ago! Now let her go! She's all I have!" I shouted.

"But I'm hungry." He said pouting.

"Eat me then." I said.

"I could do that, but since I'm feeling extra generous I might just beat you nearly to death and then eat you." He said as he grabbed me.

"Arioka!" I heard her scream.

----5 Days later----

"What's 1000 minus seven?" He kept asking me to count from 1000 in 7 intervals.

"993,..." I began again as my fingers and toes were continuously being cut off.

"Keep going. You have to fill another bucket!" He shouted.

My fingers and toes have regenerative abilities, which was a constant reminder of the fact that I wasn't a human. Anymore...


Today is the day that I graduate from college. I'm at the top of my class...with no girlfriend. Oh there was this girl I'm going on a date with in a few hours, that my friend introduced to me. I've had a crush on her for forever and I finally got a date.

"So Arioka. What do you like to do?" She asked as we began to walk down an empty alley.

"I like to read." I answered.

"Arioka I would like to do this again you know?" She said coming closer.

"Really?!" I shouted but became horrified as her eyes changed.

"Yep... In hell!" She shouted as she began to stab me.

"Aaaaah stop it!" I shouted.

"Oh no did he die on me? I thought he wou-" she was crushed by a bunch of pillars coming down. It killed her.

I was in critical condition so her organs were transferred into me turning me half human and half monster. I still couldn't eat human food...anymore....

"Arioka you might want to fight back." I saw her the one who made my life hell.

"Yea I might want to." I said as I broke the chains and went after the monster who had been torturing me for 5 days strait.

"Huh...?" He shouted as I bit him.  

"Go die in hell!" I said as I pinned him to the ground.


"What's 1000 minus seven?"


"I said what's 1000 minus 7!"

"993, 986, 979, 972..." He stopped as I killed him. (It took me 2 minutes to do that btw)

"Arioka!" I heard behind me.

"....Haru!?" I shouted.

"I missed you so much. You've changed, your hair is white, and you're pale. What happened?" I asked.

"It's the stress but it doesn't matter I'm here with you now." I said as I kissed her.

"I love you and I don't care how you find food or anything." She said.

"I love you too."

"Your hair it's turning black again, and your eyes aren't colored anymore."

"Am I human again?" I asked myself out loud.

"Eat this." She said as she handed me a protein bar.

"I can eat it!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"You are human again!" She shouted.

"I am, and it's all because of you."

"I'm alive because of you." She said.

I guess spending my life alone wasn't what I was supposed to do.

A/N: I got this from an anime so, most of this isn't my idea. The only thing that is, is the love story. The idea of the creature and torturing was from the anime. I'm sorry if that was gory it just happened in the anime. Anyway if you want to watch it, beware the gore, it's called "Tokyo Ghoul" I'm sure most of you have heard of it, if you're really into anime. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
