Keito in Texas?!

The other day I was looking up Okamoto Keito on Wattpad looking for fanpages and then I found the real page! Keito had a Wattpad!! I was so excited so I clicked on it and there was a comment from 40 minutes ago. It said: Hey guys! I'm going to be in Tyler Texas this weekend with Yuto so tell us if you'll be there and we will come meet you. I swear I think I almost blacked out and I was only 4 hours from Tyler. I was so excited. I asked my mom since my aunt lived there if we could go and she said we could.

When I found out I could I messaged him and told him I would be there and to meet at a Starbucks or something. He agreed and replied with an "okay. Tell me when you get here." I was so happy I was light headed. I told my mom all about it and she already knew of him since I talk continuously about the band. To be honest I think Keito is my favorite. I mean he speaks English, plays guitar, and is 23I mean how better could this be. I mean I'm 17. Last time I checked that's not too old.

My mom said that I should just go by myself since my little sister had a track meet. I mean I could drive but I don't like driving long distances. I was still excited though.

When I got to my aunt's house is spent some time with her and told her about Keito and how I was going to meet him. Since she said she would feel lonely she came with me to meet him. I messaged that my aunt would come too and he just said okay so it was fine.

When I got there I saw Yuto there as well a do almost died.

"Yuto is here too?!" I exclaimed.

"Yea." Keito replied.

"Oh well I'm Hina. Yoroshiku (a greeting to someone you've never met)." I said.

"Oh I'm her aunt Rebecca. Nice to meet you." She said in English.

"Ahh nice to meet you both. This is Nakajima Yuto." He said in English.

"I thought he would be introducing you like in Viva 9s Soul." I said making a joke and hugging Yuto.

"True." He said and then gave me a hug. At that point I was already deceased.

"U-uh so why are you guys in Texas?" I asked.

"Well our manager said we should go do personal meet and greets in separate groups." He answered.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"Well it was just me and Yuto in America. Everyone else is out in other countries." He replied.

"Oh cool but why Tyler. Like why not Dallas?" I asked.

"Well I felt it was just the right size." He answered.

"Sorry Yuto I forgot to ask you how you were." I said after I finished talking to Keito.

"Oh I'm fine but the thing is we don't have a place to stay. It turns out our reservation at the hotel didn't hold up." He said.

"I have room at my house." My aunt said.

"We do?!" I said but was cut off by a hand over my mouth.

"Yes we do." She answered.

Once we all got home they put their things up and settled in. Since my uncle was there I had to sleep on the couch and since Yuto is so tall he needs an entire bed to himself so guess who is going to be sleeping in the same room as me? Keito, haha yay. Well not next me since there is two couches but close enough to blush.

"I have an idea. How about we all do a live stream and since Keito has his guitar we can sing." I said.

"Okay sure. Let's do it." He said.

"Just a second I'm going to post something on social media to inform people." I said and took a selfie with both of them.

Later we sang March 14 and then Reload. It was a very fun live stream. We still got a bunch of hate though but I expected it and prepared for it.

We had some spaghetti for dinner and then went to bed and well let's just say something interesting happened.

"Hey Hina-chan, are you asleep yet?" He asked.

"No. I can't sleep." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well I guess that all of these comments have gotten to me." I said showing him my Instagram page and DMs.

"I'm so sorry." He said as he hugged me.

"It not your fault." I said while sobbing. He ended up laying next to me while I was crying to comfort me.

"It's okay to cry because..." He began.

"Because why?" I asked still crying.

"Because I'm in love with you." He said and then kissed me.

"I love you too." I said and kissed back.

"You can cry on me if you need." He said hugging me tightly.

"Thank you." I said leaning into his chest as I fell asleep.

When we woke up the next morning and we were still sleeping in a hugging position. Yuto was so shocked he dropped everything and just a sold there and asked what happened. We explained and he then congratulated us. I guess Keito being in Texas changed my life.

A/N: This was from a dream I had last night. I changed it up some for my friend though. Anyway thanks for reading and please comment bye bye~~
